Single brush Konoha

Chapter 189, the strongest bottom card of Mihui

Many is preparing the second heavy base sign to the wooden leaves.

He rarely shot.

However, every time he shot, will always make the enemy's heartbeat.

This Master added to the column cells, caught four enemies and made embarrassment.

"Tongling, reflow!"

Just in the yard of the house, four coffins broke out.

Four coffins open.

The first one, the people inside wear a red dragonfly, tall and have black long hair, tall and handsome.

The second, the people inside wear a sword blue war armor, the same tall, but his eyes are sharp, and it is fierce.

Third, it is a short person, wearing a gray war armor, the hair is composed to a scorpion, which is higher than him, dragging to the ground.

The fourth has a high handsome golden hair man, and the handsome appearance has some affinity.

Mingze said: "Hello."

"you are?"

"Who are you boy?"

"The old man is dead for so long, actually being spoken up, and it is also used to reincarnate, hey, it is really sad."

"Brother, I have said that I have to ban this."

"Shut up, I am talking to this person!"

"Hey, who you are?"

The sharp man of the white hair looks to the fourth person, seeing him very handsome, seems to be something.

The man took the body, pointed to the words on the robe behind him, saying: "Yes, I am four generations."

"Four generations of eyes?"

The white hair is sharp, and the man who is golden hair seems to be a bit impression.

Then he said: "Monkey, we met again."


Dwarf man sigh.

Then, the black-haired man smiled: "Four generations, how do you die?"

"It was killed by nine tail."

Four generations.

"Nine tails, can it be dead?"

Black-haired man does not dare to confuse.

Three generations remind: "The first generation of adults, we seem to have seen it, don't you remember?"

The black-haired man smiled and smiled: "Just feel interesting, so ask again."

"Brother, you are really embarrassed."

White-haired is staring at Mingze, said: "Kid, what do you do?"

Mingze Road: "Come with me."

No money to see? Send your cash or point, limited time 1 day! Pay attention to the public · , free collar!

With the hand, they looked at the coffin, and the picture transform was coming to the Ninja Campus.

It is very empty here, I stand a lot of wooden and ninja, and stand together.

"Why didn't you come yet?"

"It is estimated that there is any accident in the middle."

"Does Mingze can't hold it?"

Outlet and fragrant phosphorus are skeptical, and I feel that he is cheated.

In the next second, everyone can see four coffins fall.

Four powerful men debut.

Expeed: "Grandpa, second generation, three generations, four generations!"


Naruto stared at the man of the golden hair.

Sasuke suddenly felt a blood, these four people are all people who all memarers.

The history of wood leaves is written by them, and anything happened in the leaves should know.

Last time, in order to understand the mysterious mysterious mysterious mysterious mysterious mysterious, these four nigs have appeared together.

Therefore, the doubts of Sasuke also declined early.

The ninjas of all wooden leaves gaze these four people, and the eyes are full of worship.

"It's so lively."

There is a laugh at the column.

Opener: "Grandpa, don't you know me?"

Cylindrical road: "You are, love gambling?"

The master is red, and the road: "I am not a small mark, now it is a old woman."

The column smiled, asked: "How many live shadows are it now?"

Opened man: "I am the fifth generation."

Now, although the opener has no time to gamble, but she is still a habit of writing a gambling word behind.

Because this is her favorite clothes.

Second generations of talks: "Xiaogang, why do he say? Disturbing the dead, but a big taboo!"

Kakasi Road: "Wood leaves need help from all walks of life."

The three generations said: "Is the big snake pills in destruction? I might remember to seal all the surgeons, he should not lose what waves."

Before the big snake pills used, they will erase their spirit, so they don't know those things.

Xiangchi: "The big snake pill is this bad guy, he has long been good, and now I also help you to do bad things, ready to attack the wooden leaves."

The three generations are very embarrassed, they know that the big snake pill is good, but the memory is very bad.

Now confirmed again, it is not homogeneous.

Big snake pill is a three-generation student, but finally went to the opposite of the village.

The three generations did not want to kill the big snake pills, resulting in a series of incidents.

There is a fragrant phosphorus, smiled: "Good cute girl, look at your red long hair, and your Chakra attribute, should it be a whirlpool? See you, I think of the water."

The fragrant phosphorus ran over and took his hand and smiled: "Uncle is so powerful, I don't know that I am a whirlpool."

The small hand of the fragrant and phosphorus is pulled: "I am now the body, you are not afraid of me?"

Xiang Phosphorus shakes his head: "Not afraid, I only feel that my uncle is very kive."

Everyone smile.

The column is indeed a hired man, especially if he likes to make friends.

And the Naruto and the water gates met again.

Water Gate Road: "Naruto, have you been well?"

Naruto has tears, said: "Dad, I am fine, I just miss my father and mother."

Water Gate: "We want to think about you."

Naruto and water gates, Naruto finally had Dad's care.

The ninjas on the field carefully looked at the four noodles. This is the glory of the leaves, and the characters carved on the wooden fires.

Each of them has a key role in the construction of wooden leaves.

Three-generation: "Opener, That group?"

The master: "The group is dead."

Three generations stunned, and then sighed.

Sasukes: "Tibetan is what I killed, he is too much to do for the Yishabo family, but also use the initial cells on his right arm, and transplant eleven write round eyes."

For this matter, Sasuke has no better concealment.

The column is touched with a small head of the fragrant phosphorus, and it feels like a time she is a child.

Then heard Sasuke, said: "This is what he is dead."

Second generation stared at Sayuo: "Is Su Zhibo family?"

Cylinder: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Second generation: "I want to clean the mash fish in the wooden leaves, so that the leaves become peaceful."

On the column, he glanced at him, and his position was firm and said: "Take the room, I don't allow you to do it!"

The apeer saw two people quarreling, said: "There is only hers of him in Yishabo family."

Cylinders and the second generation face each other.

The second generation of the words returned to Zheng, said: "What is this again?"

The program was clapped.

A few tail beasts rushed in, like a big dog.

One tail, second tail, three tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, these few crescent beasts now have more cute.

The second generation frown: "Is it so developed now? Can you imitate the end of the beast?"

He is not in this endurance, I don't know how this era is.

Xiangchi: "No, they are the tail beast."

The second generation is not understood, and the road: "It's really a tail beast, who is using it?"

Several tail beasts did not mind, and they were blamed.

Blocking between the column: "Does the small position, what happened to the wood?"

Operator: "There is a major war, our wood leaves feel that people are not enough, so I will go out, please go out, please include me."

The four fire shadows are surprised, don't know what war, actually handsome to this extent.