Single brush Konoha

Chapter 1 Yu Zhibo Pot

Intuition tells the big snake pills, the leaves are over, without anyone can block the spotted spot.

Drink: "The big snake pills, this time we return to the wood, let everyone shocked."

Everyone is now in the land of the land.

With the territory, use the Shenwei road, and the speed is very fast.

After all, it is a space forbearance.

The spot is very calm: "The wood is originally the room, but I have to ruin it, I really don't want to go."

With the earth: "Nothing, they stop us to achieve their dreams, they should die."

Black absolute: "The big people, realize your goals, and take a step."

There is no speech, and the hands are mutually hug.

Only he knows now, it is not so happy because there is no qualified opponent.

It is very nostalgic and the day of the battle between the column.

Meth: "With the soil, you are really annoyed, now give me something now, you don't have too little, making me disappointment."

With soil: "I am not wrong."

Both people look at each other.

With the land sigh, I feel that the initiative has slowed down.

With the earth: "We are coming."

At this time, I knew that I didn't have a way to master the initiative.

"Ready to let the leaves look at what is the end of the day."


The corners are suddenly opened: "I have seen the thousand handles."

Spot is interested in: "Oh?"

The corner of the road: "I am actually a fight with a thousand handles."

Meth: "How long have you been living?"

Corner: "I am 90 years old."

Spot: "OK."

The big snake pill does not speak on the side. If you want to see who can live longer, he absolutely speaks, just because the time is still not long.

If you have a hundred years, people here are estimated that only the big snake pills are alive.

The mid space becomes silent, no one speaks again.

Everyone saw a bright.

The brightly understood the place called wooden leaves.

Woody hunition, Xiaolai!

Several people go out from space, one must be sent.

"It's a beautiful place."

Everyone looked to the village of Woody.



"Yuxi wave belt!"



"Flying section!"


"I don't have to say it." Darkness did not want to introduce himself because there is no need.

Now, black climbs on the spots, it looks so well.

"Puff puff"

Several ordinary ninjas of the wooden leaves were killed, leaving only one living port.

The corner is called: "Let's tell you the fire, say we know, come over everything!"

The man was scared to the village and went to seek shadows.


Just when they appeared, the name was slow.

Look at the village of Woody Village, said: "What is the name of the last seal me?"

In this regard, the spot is deep, but it remembers the name of the person.

With the earth: "His name is Mingze."

Screamed: "What is the relationship between his and wood?"

With the territory: "A idle person, and the wooden relationship is not deep, rarely take the initiative, but he is a wooden man to support the scene behind the scene."

Mutual hands hug: "I want to fight with him to see who is stronger."

Soon, wooden leaves get news.

finally come.

Waiting for so long, I finally hoped.

Wooden ninja urgently aggregated.

Not only that, but also Lei Yai, Spring, Water Shadow, Wind and Strong.

In less than a minute, dozens of figure appeared in the village of the wooden leaf, showing a fan fan, confronted with spots.

The plan is staring at the spot, and it is downgry: "Sure enough is you!"

Spirit: "Xiaogang?"

For this name, the board is not a cold, because this is her grandfather to her.

It is not like this to call her.

Therefore, the program does not answer the spot.

The agency to Kasi and Naruto: "Be careful, his eyes are rounded!"

Everyone also looks to them.

With earth, "Good, it is all here, save us to run around."

Soil shadow: "It's really Yuxi Bao, and the eyes are not ordinary write-eyed eyes, but the rotation!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke, said: "Is the round to the eyes are very rare?"

Sasuke now is now covered with the lottery, dress up, and Kakasi.

Sasuke did not speak, his write-eyed eyes needed to make it unexpected.

Sakura is a boiley: "This guy is Yu Zhibo spots, and there is nothing gainful, or it is more handsome."

The spot is staring on so many people, which looks light.

It is a landmark: "Kasi, I don't understand what you want to insist now, you have no hope, do you think someone can play over?"

Cardi: "Why don't you try it?"


Big Snake said: "Today, the leaves should be as close as it, the endure is the same."

In a thing that has seen from the big snake pill, all the rounds are not exceeded, and it seems that the round look is the source of all the techniques and science.

Once, the big snake pill challenge Pednes, was forced to join Xiao.

The reason is like this is because the round looks.

But later the big snake pills know, no matter how it is close to the eye, but also helpless choice.

Under the wrong, the big snake pill will return again.

The big snake pill is so help, of course, I hope to see the magic of my eyes.

With soil cold and indifferent: "Kakasi, you are still so true, now you are different from the past."

Naruto: "With the soil, you are a bastard."

With soil: "What is your little ghost?"

Spot: "Don't quarrel, let Mingze have seen it!"

Let Mingze come to see you?

Who are you?

Others have fallen, and the people of the wooden leaves heard the sentence, and he feels that he is really.

Mak said: "You don't surrender, I will come, give all the tail beasts."

"Tongli, the outer road magic" "

If the spot is not equal, summon the vaginal image of the outer road and don't give them an opportunity to argue.

"At this time, the big people finally summoned the outside road, as long as they were in this village, all can be sealed, and they can't escape."

"The big people are so powerful, more powerful than my unstead."


Corner: "It seems that you only have you particularly."

Then stripped soil.

This should have been a sole head, but he can only stand on one side.

Naruto called: "Let's talk, do you have an attempt?"

Spot: "I really want is, a peaceful world, so how do you don't care about it."

The plates of the plate are used, and the tomb of the wheel is used directly, because he has a round to the eye, this surgery is his own unique surgery, and there is no such thing.

This is an out, all of the beasts are hit.

Mingze looked up in the wooden village, I feel that these people can't run.

The fragrant phosphorus flew out and called: "Mingze help."

Silent road: "The enemy is so strong?"

Mingze: "It is indeed a bit strong."

Then, at this time, Mingze continued to stay in the broken house, and he was developing a new technique.

This operation is a combination of flying thunder, thunder and replacement.

Three techniques are integrated, he can resist any injuries.

In his current mind, in the continuous simulation of this technique, because developing a combination of his mind completely running.

This kind of shape is formed.

The nine tail beasts inside, have been set on the collar.

There is only an eight tail, nine tails, and the four tails have not yet, because there is no coming out of people.

Xiang Phosphorus said: "Naruto, use your surgery."

Naruto is firmly said: "I will protect everyone, I will not let you succeed."