Single brush Konoha

Chapter 3 Rotes I also have

Although he said that he would not die, he still shuts his mouth, because it was collected by Sakura with a red gourd.

It turned out that Xiao Saki was used to practice the flying paragraph of the flying segment, then, then the seven-star sword of Sakura, so it can be used with a red gourd.

Xiao Saki smiled: "If you can't think of it, it will be like this."

Then, Xiao Yak took a person again, this person is the corner.

If you can't think of it, you will take this way in this way.

The eyes are embarrassed.

Lu Pill Road: "Finally revenge."

Jingkou: "Killing these two ninja cheaper them, should have a good torture for eight years, let them taste the pain of the world, and then into many pieces."

Lu Pill instantly felt creepy, said: "Well, are you too much?"

Well wild: "This is the way to treat the enemy, is it wrong?"

"Are you ity? Be afraid that one day I will deal with you?"

Suddenly, she stared at the deer.

Lu Pill: "I have never thought about it, it is you think, you are too trouble."

They temporarily stop arguing, because fighting on the battlefield is often terrible.

Ok, fighting and Kakasi fight in the Kwai space.

Outside, the big snake pills and fugitives.

Big Snake said: "I am still getting here now?"

The program is pinching his fist: "You are also for me, you said how should I thank you?"

Big Snake Pill: "I really didn't have anything to you, I also chatted with you."

Aperator: "I don't listen to me."

Then, four shadow levels beat children.

The big snake pills helplessly, they want to start the earth, but most of the criminals are not.

Now they can only use the bottom card.

Big snake pills actually use Xianke.

The same is true.

The two don't know when I learned the Xiancao mode.

Big Snake Pill: "Opener, we have a partner, but today we will be enemies."

"Go together."

Four shadows, plus a prime, just five shadows, then they will deal with the big snake pills and pockets, it is really small.

In this way, the situation is one side.

If you don't have a minute, you can't play it.

Big snake pills, because there is a surgery, which can avoid harm.

Big Snake Pills are trapped: "If you can't think of it, you are so powerful."

Then, pocket: "The big snake pill, we must not give up."

Big Snake Pill: "Don't be tight, I can transfer you."

: "The big snake pill, you are the value I exist, I can't die so unclear ..."

The apeer did not expect that they would be so sad.

Is the big snake pill?

The big snake pills have never regard them as a separate existence. As a result, it is really unexpected.

Big Snake Pill: "Hey, this is a uncomfortable thing."

"The big snake pill, when you betray the leaves, have you ever thought about today?"

The hand is cold and cold.

The big snake pill is hands up, said: "I don't regret it, but I can't die, I really don't lie to you, I surrendered."

Wellel is using the scorpion to attack the big snake pills, but stopped by the ahead.

Welln said it does not understand this, said: "Why stop me?"

Opened man: "Big snake pill, is a very embarrassing person, not only betrayed the wooden leaves, but also killed the three generations of rigs, but he surrendered, we have no reason to kill him, must also catch back well, then The face of the whole village. "

Wells bite the teeth and is extremely ignorant.

Go: "Envy the big snake pills, ah, I am dead."

After finishing, pockets into faint, seriously injured.

Then, the battle is bizarre, leaving only a person piggyback flag.

The people who have seen Xiaoxiao are so unjust, and they are not sigh: "Why is such garbage?"

Now, everyone is united, surrounding the spot.

Naruto: "You don't have to manage, I will fight with spots."

Spot: "It seems that you are very powerful, the vortex, you are a bit like the column, but you are not him."

The spot launched the wheel tomb.

Then everyone saw a thing, the Naruto and the tail were all fallen.

This super magical is almost unable to guard.

The Naruto is enough to be guarded, but it is still in the middle.

The spot is again printed, and the nine long iron chains have fallen out, lock all the tail beasts.

Merchant smile, said: "Finally give you a circle, this is not full."

Sasuke: "Naruto, you can't do this."

Naruto: "Sasuke you don't have to worry, I am."

You are great?

If you don't turn this, you will not turn this.

Sasuke, all, all open eyes, said: "Spot, not only you are special, round look, I also have!"

The left eye of the Zuo, did not expect it to be true.

As a six-way immortal, the second round of open-eyed people, the spot is proud.

The ambition of the spot is very large, including surpassing six cactors, including the world left by the column, becoming a world that is always peaceful.

Then, there are many varies in the middle.

Fortunately, he is still resurrected, and it holds a round look.

However, now Sasuke, but he also has a round look.

'Round look, I also have! '

When you hear this domineering, the spot is not a bleak, which is a huge blow.

However, the spot is a very strong person, which is quickly adjusted.

: "I thought that you can turn on the eternal kaleidoscope to write the eyes, it is already lost too much thing, and has been pursuing anything, now I see you have a round look, I think it is still underestimating you."

"You can't see something, and I don't have any accidents, I have no accident."

Then I disdain. "The same is my own eyes, what do you challenge me? I first knocked down your two little ghosts, then be a tail of the tail, let you see how I fight."

"Wooden, Mu Dragon."

It is a column with a column.

Huge wooden dragons appear, to grab those tail beasts, and they are bound by them.

The tail beast is bloated, and it is very embarrassing.

The Naruto stood up and staining a lot of dust, and the eyes were sharp and said: "Sasuke, let us kill him."


The two have already worked, and they went towards the spots.

"Good, yin and Yang are all, I can absorb your Chakra, help my turn to look back."

The greedy side is presented.

At this time, the ingredients are no longer scruple.

Spots used the wheel tomb prison, successfully resist the two people.

And, the spot is also countered.

Naruto and Sasuke becomes gray face, at all, don't understand what the spot did.

It is played with them, and there is time to attack the five shadows.

Meth: "Five Shadows is the system built between the column, I don't want to continue to see, so you are all dead."

The spots are super fast, and the five shadows simultaneously fly out, even how his surgery is not known.

Lei Yai, Spring, Water Shadow, Movement and Outlets are scalp, screaming, if they can't find the flaws of this surgery, most of them must die here.