Succubus' Manor

Chapter 136

The expansion of the city is fast than the speed of the pool. He originally thought that at least one year in accordance with the current productivity, and since he issued the order, there were many businessmen to give gifts to see him, indicating that they will pay for themselves. Go to build a house, don't use the pool to get a little bit.

However, they are not white, and they are also available.

"The two casinos left by Old Bob ..." Fantic is in the middle of the businessman, and finally, I will say that everyone wants to say.

Old Bob has no news, and the merchants guess him should be dead, or so greedy people can't throw their own industries.

As for the elder people, the merchants have forgotten him.

A past consignment, but it is just a dead.

Old Bob left two casinos, all the golden cars of the sun, not only covers a large area, but also in the center of Sdu Ding, the old Bob was taken by Pool, his industry also They are shut down, can take over the pool of the pool to take over, regardless of the pool of their own industries, and the two casino pools have not taken the reason is that he has not thought about it.

Pool is now very tangled, the casino can be banned, but the bet itself can't be banned. If he can't help but pay taxes, if it is banned, it will not accept taxes. Mainly, he is now not too many people to fight, and businessmen For the brothel, the brothel is not implicated. After all, SD 2's businessman is mostly exotic. In the past, the brothel in Sdu Ding is also the Old Bob in operation. They didn't taste the benefits of the opening of the house. Naturally didn't work too much. enthusiasm.

But the casino is different, the income of the casino is visible, and more than the brothelium, the casino is profiteering.

The pool is hesitant, and if you can't get the answer, but your family and Kadi are indigenous. Their way of thinking and pool are different. As long as you can make money, it is good, what is this money, how much? When people are tilted, they don't care.

Since I haven't thought about it yet, the pool is certainly not promised.

"Old Bob has not found it, don't you do it?" Piyan dragged the chin, he is already very loyal, and there is a high height, he does not need to regulate his own behavior. There is also no need to comply with any rules.

Because he is here, he is all the rules of the rules.

The rule is because of constraining others, not used to constrain him.

The merchants lowered their heads, and Fate also wanted to continue to say that they were seized by people next to them, and he stopped he said.

Chi Yu suddenly laughed: "But I have something else to give you."

The merchants look up together, and the eyes are not staring at the pool.

Chi Yu continued: "After you build, the rent of the house is bought, I don't intervene, I don't pay taxes in three years."

Some people swallow the mouth, the sound of the pharyngeal water is very large, but because the room is quiet, everyone can hear a clear.

This is of course not bigger than the goodness of the casino, but as a sweet date, this is also a very qualified sweet date.

The merchants are happy, showing a juited smile to the pool, but also on the festive pool, the mouth is going to the ear, this matter is so fixed, the merchants have to go home first. Ready, then to recruit people, wait for the drawings of the pool to be in place, they can start.

The main thing to build a house is wood, the binder is small, this house is built fast, the requirements for wood are not high, so it is necessary to refurbish in a three or five years, otherwise it will leak the wind and rain, flooding Moldy, but how, that is also a house.

It is a house that can live people. As long as a house is standing, you can accommodate more people, this city can be more energetic.

I don't want to be a deal, it is not easy ...

The pool sighed.

After let the servant sent the businessman, the pool went to the garden.

The garden is the count, and the place where people go, they have a slate, although there is no rockery waterfall, but it is not a beautiful garden. After the pool is, the servants are not abandoned, the flowers are different, but all Bright and enthusiastic open, many spent on the bees, are learning nectar.

When Pool, I just went to the garden, I saw a tricycle and bicycle posing in the middle of the garden.

After the heavy closing, Sacide's craftsmen finally made these two stepkition tools.

The servants also watched the past.

Most of people now use a wheelbarrow, the structure is also very simple, just used to carry goods.

The carriage and the like need four wheels, only the sacred sacred can make production, sometimes can't buy money.

However, the technique of the sacred hospital is not particularly good. When the carriage of the carriage will often fall off, especially when the horses run quickly, the speed of the carriage is very slow, and it is convenient for the carriage to take off the horses behind the wheel, go to the wheel Go back and go back.

Unlike the carriage and the wheelbarrow, the tricycle and bicycle sent by Sacide are pure steel, which is in the sun, and every part of the whole body is called: "I am very worthless!"

The pool is next to the bicycle. He first looked at the eye seat. Here's a handle, and then adjust the height of the seat.

Then he pressed the seat, and now Sacid has not yet made a spring technology, so the seat is a thick cotton wrapped in a layer of nitro-made animal skin.

Not very flexible, but not hard.

Just when the pool is ready to take a trial, the Kadi is busy to stop: "Adult! This car is unstable!"

Kadi saw the car step in advance, tricycles he had tried, and it was flat and stable, but the two rounds of cars were different, and people will go up, don't say ride, I feel expense.

But Carti did not dare to say that this is not good - the lord is made, even if it can only be a piece, it is good.

Only Kadi has finished saying, I saw that the pool is already sitting.

All servants are full of breath, and always prepare to act as a meat pad with their own body, and catch the leaders who fall down.

A group of people excited faces are red, and it seems that I can't get down in the pool.

Unfortunately, the pool can't listen to their voice. He stepped on the pedal, one power, and the bicycle slipped out of a distance, then he also put another feet.

Bicycle this, as long as you learn, you will never forget, I don't know what the principle is not known, but he has been riding in the garden. After all, it is a garden. It is not an open space, and the pool can control the speed, But even if you feel very comfortable.

He was slowly riding a car, and the breeze passed from his cheek and blew the broken hair on his ear.

I must be very hilarious now, and the pool is thinking about the sky.

Waiting for him to ride a circle, stop the bicycle, and ask Kadi with a smile: "How much is it sent?"

Cardi is already stupid, the fullness of the brain is "the lord is worthy of the Lord, the two wheels can ride."

"Why didn't the Lord's adults fell? I am ready to flush."

I think too much, so that Kadi did not answer the pool in the first time.

Instead, a maid next to it suddenly said: "Adult, 20 rounds of tricycles, fifteen two rounds of car."

Pool is watching the male servant and did not speak.

It is still repeated it after the Cadi reaction came over.

The pool smiles: "Take the time to ask if there is a businessman, the castle is left in two rounds and three rounds."

After that, the pool left the garden.

The humble expression on Cadi has also collected it. He looked at the lips, looked at the male servant who just grably grabbed him, his eyes were quenched, but he did not blame each other, but a hand, follow After the pool of the pool.

Now the pool is not a stupid silly, he knows that he just can't picking the maid, otherwise it is the bright face of Ming.

Cadi has been with him, and it is tired and not called over.

This is decent, the pool is to give him.

When he only left Kadi, Pi Hao said: "Cadi, bring more people, and more and more things will be, you can't come alone."

Pool is advising Carti points.

Kadi saw the seat around the pool, and after SD 2, Kaddi's uneasiness would feel that the pool is able to feel that with the changes in the environment, Kadi should be very clear There will be more and more loyal servants around you.

If Kadi has always, the pool can only be cold, and he passes him to promote others.

Therefore, the pool must remind Kadi, Cadi followed him for so long, the pool is emotional to Kadi.

He didn't want Kadi to take a narrow road. This narrow road will only get more and narrower, and finally Kadi will be indispensable.

Kadi's face was shocked. After he stood in the back of the pool, his body was shaking slightly. He had a mouthful of mouth, but he only said a word: "Yes."

Pool Tong turned his head and looked at Kadi and then reached out and took the car: "Go busy."

Cardi shrunk shoulders, low head, and retired after two steps.

The pool is standing on the window, overlooking the whole city - to tell the truth, there is nothing to see, the modern big town is better than this city, there is no hospital, there is no big hotel, there is no game hall And Internet cafes, even outside the castle, the most luxurious houses are not more than three layers.

Since the pool is coming, although I have made a lot of reforms, the city is still not clean, but it is not possible to have a small size. The garbage is still a lot. Generally, it is piled up in the streets. Now the weather is hot, and the garbage will soon will Sands with apod.

Chi Yu will organize people hand to clean up every street. Every day, the garbage is transported to the place where there is a distance from Sidding.

Fortunately, the garbage of this era is basically degraded, don't worry about polluting the environment.

Just when the pool is standing on the window, a movie went behind the pool.

The pool is in the case, he relaxed his body back and went to his arms by Chryster.

Chryster is lower, the lips are stuck in the pool of the pool: "How? I encountered trouble?"

Pool Shakes: "I feel a little tired."

The road is long and the road is long!