Succubus' Manor

Chapter 225

In the night, the pool is covered to sleep, and the moisture here is too heavy. It is clear that there is no bug bite, but he always feels itchy.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, I turned another eczema. The pool is not known to be too delicate or the moisture power here is so big.

It is Chryicester "skin thickening", a little unaffected.

Chi Yu can't sleep, Clest is of course can't sleep, two people lying in bed chatting in bed.

"I don't know how many people will go down the mountain with us tomorrow." The pool was turned over and looked at the side face of Chryst.

No matter how many times, Pi Zhen feels that Chryst is the best person in the world.

Even with men and women, the good-looking person is beyond sex. He still remembers a female star who likes it before, and the men and women are very good, and a group of men screams every day to give her a wife.

Clest: "How do you prepare to place them?"

The pool is a lip: "If people want to send them to Albey, anyway, they are also a place here, go to Aliye, is also returning to the old."

Aliye doesn't have any other business, it is a grain grain, and Alica's people have no beliefs. Every day, it is daily, and it doesn't have to worry about them being affected by these sorrows.

And SD Ding and Sacad are in the past, and it is easy to suppress anything.

Chi Yan suddenly said: "Don't know Andon has not arrived until Sedding."

Before, several Mozu went back to report, so that Sidding and Sacide have time to prepare.

As a result, reproduce a few trips now, saying that they were stationed in all governments, and they were all for a few months, and the figure did not see.

Chryste thought: "They will not take the road."

The road is said to the road when the pool is coming.

Chryster: "He knows that the road is your opening. Every day, there are so many businessmen come, people have more eyes, things are more, he should be open."

Pool: "..."

After that, he didn't go through a half year, even if you have passed, you should go to winter, and you will find a problem.

What's more, SD Shi's soldiers are full of warmth, guarding the city, and more excellent weapons, stronger obeys.

Andon's army, it was exhausted, and it was still able to do two iron swords that will be curved.

There is no more worry here.

However, the pool is still sleeping, his leg holder is on the thigh of Chryster, his head is in Chryster's neck, and the small voice says: "It's going to start."

Chryste knows what he is saying, but Chryster just reached out and took the pool of the pool.

Pool: "I will give her a title, except that I can't leave the Holy City, I can't be left and right, I can't violate the law, she can be very good."

Clest: "She will be willing."

Pool: "I know."

The pool is just some. The ancestors of the queen have become the king of Kentis, and there is still a king of the ancestor, but also the king of the dynasty, and it is not a good part of it. The faint king is enough, he doesn't even have to do anything wrong.

Maybe this is the "gas number".

If he doesn't have this travers, the king may really be a role, she should think of cooperation with the sacred sacred.

Kventis will not change the leader so quickly.

The pool is not sleeping overnight. When the next day, when they followed the Shengmin, they followed more than two thousand people, most of them were women.

Other people, some are afraid that the pool will be black hands to them, some are to be the sacred sacred "."

This makes the pool to think of ancient times, the earliest time, chastity is worthless, it is very good, no normal.

The ethnic minorities also have marriage and walked system, and the widow is also married. The husband will die in the husband's brother, and the divorce is also easy, and the book is always returned to the mother, and there is nothing.

Loyalty and chastity, that is all the best relationships between the next person.

During the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, I would like to help the country. I have a lot of see you, and the treason is not crime. It is mixed in this country. It is nothing to do with my mother's country into a dog.

Later, the Chastity Archway was once lifted, forcing people "chastity".

Chenzi's wife, the wife, the next person, to give everything that went to the host, in order to get a negligible return.

But the more this, the more loyal to the upper person.

After being oppressed, I started voluntary "Guard".

As with these sacred people, what do they got from the Holy Affairs? In addition to the commitment of one or two impossible implementation, there is no benefit.

But they will not resist the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacredial.

The Qing Dynasty entered the customs, but also made a woman, but as the "heritage" of the times, the tip of the tip of the quilt was quilt, and the family did not have a family, but continued, and carried forward.

For the sake of life, the scholars are willing to shave the head and surrendered to "scorpion", but they can make their own wife women to continue "tradition", so they are not too failed, after all, they have saved "blood.".

The strong people oppress the weak, and the weak persons are oppressed.

The oppression of a layer of layer, society has become a non-whisper.

The Shengmin is like this, they have their own small society, this social package is wrapped, unless someone is never, or the outside is broken.

Otherwise they will always blink.

Because these people have been "domesticate", they only know this kind of living.

When the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, some people cheered to celebrate the end of the feudal system, but there were some remains of the old and unhappy.

The pool sighed: "As for the people on the mountain, no one gives them replenishment, they will go down the mountain."

There is no sacraid to turn over, their food cannot be replaced with life supplies, no salt, no tools, and time will naturally go down.

When I returned to the holy city, it was already in the evening. They didn't encounter the robber all the way. It may be because the pool of the soldiers stationed out of the city, and the robbers also knew dangerous, not how to come here.

However, he saw the little lord of Burris before he saw it.

The little lord also sent a few boxes of gold to him, and it was very fast.

The little lord also said that he knows that he is not able to do it, his city is small, the big people's battle can't manage, he is absolutely will not hinder.

Just seek the pool, don't move the knife, I want this city to talk to him, he absolutely hands.

Small courage, but when it is interrupted, it is barely and some advantages.

Chi Yu also didn't talk to him, but it was only half a half a holiday.

After he returned to the hotel, took a shower, then wipe it on the eczema with the ointment modulated by Mrs. Campl, these ointments were doing herbs, did not mention purity, the effect is slow, but fortunately his eczema is not serious, otherwise ten days It's better for half a month, and Ryan will welcome the pool and say it low, "Just came."

The pool is only a pajamas - white, and the skirt is almost.

Hair is still wet, but he doesn't pay attention to the image, I have visited Just.

Chryster didn't follow together, he didn't like Just, and the pool is not barely.

Jaster looked a lot, he had stared a beard, his beard had a good, not a shackle, and only left the beard of the lips, and the repaired is very good.

"Adults." Just first gave the pool, the pool is swaying, sitting on it, said to Just, "Sit."

Just also sat down, he didn't have nonsense, and then he said: "The queen cut a few nobles."

The pool is a bit surprised. He walked for two days, and the queen had such a big action?

Just: "Then she promoted the two sons or three sons of the aristocrats inherited."

Just sighed: "If she doesn't pick up, this is a good thing for us, she promotes, it is bad."

Killing is easy, but the rule is difficult.

Kill a few nobles, just a sentence to the king, just lie to the people first, then let the guards will take the guard, then it is simpler.

But she not only killed people, but also promoted the aristocratic son who had been invested by her, but also stabilized the family of the nobles - after all, the father died, but the son, this family won't fall, since it will not fall, not Will resist.

On the contrary, they will think that the queen is pulling their families, and they will find more benefits. For this reason, they have to pay more.

And those who have not killed by the Queen will not be too nervous. After all, this is just in their eyes, it is just to rule out the absenteeism.

This hand is familiar, so next, the neighboring nobles will express loyalty to the Queen.

Pool: "Do you give her an idea?"

Just shook his head, he sighed: "Adults, the queen is no longer the previous queen, she is now forced to the desperation."

The sorrow will win, and the Jedi counterattack is more component.

After the king knows that there are not many people in their hands, the nobles are yin, and she is not a scruple.

It is because of the inconvenience, it adds her weight.

She is born is a princess, she stands in the peak of state power. She didn't realize what she could do. Now she realized that, of course, she will not retreat again.

It is a pool, he will also kill.

Especially she is a woman, she is more tried more than men to hold the rights.

Anyone who wants to fight with her will be her enemies. In the face of the enemy, she has to make more cruel means to shock other people who want to move.

"She also made the noble alcohol to give soldiers." Just suddenly said, "Also let the Minister drafted the new code."

Pool is picking up the eyebrows, will it be a civil code? He asked himself: "What Code?"

Just Sound of the sound: "The military law, civilians should be a soldier, and the military work can get the title."

This is the exclusive exclusive!

Civilian soldiers, how many military powers will only be counted on the aristocratic head of their aristocracy.

The pool is blinking, almost thinking that the king is also crossing.

Qin State is doing so, otherwise why the Qin State will Chongwu, and the old Qin people never rag.

But from her, she is not crossing.

Pool: "...... The royal family has such a queen, it is their luck."

There are two kings before, and they are also their misfortune.

However, it is also a good thing. This is also a good thing. Let the civilians can stand military power, change the door, must face the nobility resistance, now the risks have the queen, no matter how smooth, the pool can be easier to implement .

Moreover, the Queen just killed the nobles and promoted their own people, and the nobles would not be able to express their eyesight.

At this time, when the Queen Xiu fists, the nobles won't think.

Pool: "When Francissed soldiers are moving, I will see the Queen."

Just's breath suddenly urged, his eyes were full of enthusiasm: "Adults ..."

Chi Yu smiled in Just: "I have worked hard during this time."

Just excited her hands successfully became a fist, his nose was not aggressive: "I don't have hard, adults, I think that I am here, I can't calm!"

Pool Station stood up and took the shoulders of Jiaster: "Fast."

It is really fast, and the queen cuts a dozen nobles, but it did not cause riots, because the two sons of these nobles were very fast, hatened, and those original successors did not have time to deal with the king, they have to be busy from their own The younger brother seized the title.

No more time, nearby nobles began to give gifts to the king.

It is a gift that is both expensive and heavy, not a gem is gold, and the Queen is fully charged.

The nobles and the queen have found new ways.

The nobleman is more "surrender", and the queen is more boinched.

But the soldiers of Franity will not let the queen have been a good day after the Queen, they wandered a few days in the valley, did not eat, soldiers were raised, the wild fruit wild vegetables were not enough, they will play The idea of ​​going down the mountain.

The people who are not dare to go in the place, and the group of people before.

They are not not fighting, Franity often has a large and small friction, and many people are relying on the soldiers, and they can grab the whole thing after winning.

But the group of people who have encountered before, it is almost scared by their courage.

Not because the opponent's strength is much, the murder is more skilled, but because the other's weapons.

The long knife that is flourishing is they never seen.

Have such a cutlery, how can you not let people be shocked?

"General ... Didn't eat, no longer down the mountain, I am afraid of the soldiers." The little soldier followed the generals and said carefully.

The general knows that the soldiers fight, follow him, because soldiers want to eat, no meal, time long, they will come to the outside, will run.

At this time, there is nothing more than a victory war than the soldier.

The general said: "Go down the mountain."

They urgently need a victory, so they can only choose the weakest city.

Must have to win beautiful.