Super Zoo in the City

Chapter 1223: Win me, let you leave here.

"No courtesy!"

"Today's young people are really more and more no quality, see the old man, actually said to be a ghost? Hey, the ghost is so handsome?"

Just after the stream and Huazi turned and escaped.

This old man is slowly standing from the stone.

I saw him height alone, although it was a dress.

It can be taken carefully and still see that it is very different from people.

The face and the body are less than some hair, even the face, all the same as normal people.

He took the dust on the body and put his hands behind him.

I don't catch up, and I have gone to the other of the forest.

"Hey, fortunately, I have been repaired, now I have already gone, if you let you just have the ghost, you can break the way I have been in these few years!"

The voice falls, and there is, he actually directly in the forest and disappeared.

The speed is fast, it can be seen.

At this time, I escaped from the old Huazi and the stream.

After the eyes, the old man did not chase it, this longevity.

"Call, no, didn't you chase?" Huazi passed the roughness.

The voice just fell, I saw the just launched and shook his head, and said: "No, I didn't chase it!"

"That's good, this mountain is too strange, let's, we still have to leave!"

"Where to go? Go down the mountain has been blocked by the old man, where can we go?"

"I know there is a road, it is steep, perhaps you can go down!"

"What else? Going to go, grandmother, waiting for the mountain, we are still old and very real money, don't leave these evil roads, even if you get the money, you will not pay back in the future!"

"Who said no, the dangerous little life is in this mountain, let's go!"

So, the two people helped each other and walked towards the mountain.

Also said that this Huas really knows a path.

And this path is actually a road that usually takes us often.

Because he is a forest man in this mountain, for this mountain, I am afraid that it is better than his own home.

Where is the road, where is there any animal, he is clear.

In order to save time, he goes down the mountain in the mountains, and it is often going here.

Today, this road was discovered by Huazi and the stream.

To be honest, this road is not dangerous. In addition to going down the mountain, it seems to be a bit steep.

Master Stone has gone for so many years, there has been no more thing.

It is also enough to explain that this is a safe place.

However, they are in both, ecstasy, just when they come down from the mountain.

The result is full of dumbfounded, and I haven't waited two cheers.

I saw the opposite side, and I walked over and walked into the uniform.

"It's over!"

Huazi saw this scene, and his face was mixed with water.

The just scared, like the booth, just as a sudden, just sit on the ground, saying that you can't leave.

When these various policemen walked to their near, they took out their hands.

"Wang Hua? Chen Gang? You two, suspected of illegal hunting, now you have to arrest you now!"

The voice falls, the cold hand is directly below their wrist.

In conjunction, it is a bald head that is taking the Wolf King.

I saw him on his body, and this will almost no place.

A blood marks, dyed him into a blood gunside.

The whole person is that the spirit has become wilting, and it is necessary to support it.

In his surroundings, there are still a lot of wild wolves and are staring at him.

As long as there is a minor, these wild wolves will go directly and give them a debris.

"This, damn!"

"Is it difficult to die here today? I am, I am not willing, I am not willing!" The bald looked at the wolf king in front of it.

His heart, suddenly gave birth to anger.

When I think he is in the age of teen, I will hunt up.

At that time, there was no ban on the mountain, and there was no guard.

Such many years have passed, even if the country has been made to ban, there are people going to hunt up.

But he still risks huge risks.

However, the greater the risk, the greater the return.

Today, he has made business, and life conditions have also been good.

Originally, he intended to hill him, inadvertently got a news, saying that there is a white snowfox.

And some people have been bid for 2 million, and they have to be acquired.

Whether it is life, it is dead.

If it is able to grab the living snowfox, it will also add one million as a reward.

Although the price of the current body, two or three million prices is nothing.

After all, it is a snowfox. He hunting for a long time, and he did not meet such a precious thing.

Therefore, he called a group of people.

Prepare the snowfox to take it away.

Who once thought that the halfway kills the talent bite, the stone father will stop them.

Finally, in order to get the snowfox, he would rather brave the risk of killing.

Kill the old man.

Without hindrance, plus the experience of his hunting, soon discovered the trace of the snowfox.

All the way to come here, I thought I finished this time, he had to completely hill.

Who wants to think ... Is it true that it is not enough here?

Think of these, in the heart of the bald, more unsatisfactory.

He doesn't want to be sleepy in this place.

Never want, let the eyes look at the prey, walk from your mouth.

Even if he has a hundred people who are unwilling, what can I?

Today, he is already scarred, and there are so many wild wolves in front of them.

Even if you use the whole body, I am afraid that it is not good.

Don't say that it is to get the snow fox, it is to leave here, it is a problem.

As a result, when this time, someone speaks.

"Li Qiangsheng, you are not willing? Then you have thought about it, is he is willing to kill, he is willing?"

"He is in this mountain, holding a lifetime, looking at the mountain to retire!"

"The result is dead in your hand, do you think he is willing?"

"Also, now in this world, animals become precious? How many wild animals are gradually disappearing? Why don't you worship your giving? Do you want those animals, are they willing?"

The voice falls, and the bald head is quickly looking back.

I will see three people from not far away.

One of the heads, it seems that it is not very big, and the twenty years old.

Long is also extraordinary.

And by his side, we also followed two people, but they didn't have a small age.

About 40 years old, but is mainly based on this young man, protect in the middle.

I saw it, the bald head understands, all understand.

I am now able to fall in this field, I am afraid it is my never.

And these wolves in front of them may also be subject to his instructions to play themselves.

Let the bald head don't understand, what does he have any way to control the wolves?

You know, these wolves can be wild, how can they listen to humans?

He doesn't understand, there is too much more complicated things.

And this young man is too strange.

"You, who you are?" The light head looked looked at that young man asked.

The voice just fell, the young man laughed.

"I? Hahaha ... My name is Lin Fan, is the distant relative of Shi Lao's blog. It is here today, it is to revenge and hate the old man!" Lin Fan said.

"Hahaha, revenge? Are you also equipped?"

Suddenly, this light has a arrogant laugh.

The eyes are full of snoring eyes, staring at Lin Fan: "Do you let these beasts to attack me, what's the matter? Want to revenge? Oh, come to me, you kill me personally. That's a revenge, if you don't, what is this? "

"Have to borrow these beast's paws, kill me, and have the kind of revenge?"

Have to say, this balun successfully angered Lin Fan.

The smile on his face gradually became yin.

I nodded and laughed: "So I am so anxious to die? OK, then I will fulfill you!"



Suddenly, Wang Jianmin and Li Qiangqi were shocked.

They understand that Lin Fan said what is the intention of this.

I also know that he is next, what exactly wants to do.

The face has changed, and it is necessary to stop.

However, I will see Lin Fan and shake his head: "Lao Wang, Jinzi, you don't have to manage these, put the rest of those people, take down the mountain!"

"I have said before, this bald head is mine, no one has not gone, his life, it is mine, he should be accompanied, give her father!"

"This mountain is the father who is guarded in life!"

"Let him stay in this mountain, and it is also an explanation to the father!"

"Let the old man determine his future fate!"

The voice falls, Li Qiang and Wang Jianmin two people, all browed.

They understand that Lin Fan is the feeling between his father.

More to understand, what is this in my heart?

In fact, even if you really give this bald to the police, I am afraid that it will not help.

He is very embarrassing, and it is very treacherous, even if it falls into the police, the top is also related to him.

As for him to kill the father, there is no favorable evidence.

Even the police, it is impossible to govern him.

Half, Wang Jianmin nodded: "Xiaofan, you are careful, we are gone!"

Lin Fan nodded and did not say more.

Then, I saw two people, and they walked directly to the mountains.

Several coma people have been found during the period.

They were directly carrying clothes directly, dragging them to the mountains.

And until this time.

Lin Fan rushed to the wolf king and said a few words.


The wolf king is very obvious, with the rest of the wild wolf, letting them get around, and leave a wide place.

"The head, come, if you are willing, as long as you can win me, let you leave here!" Lin Fan said with a brief.