Super Zoo in the City

Chapter 15: Worship is like a surging river

Seeing Ye Qi, Lin Fan didn't feel any waves in his heart.

Although he had a good impression of Ye Qi when he was in college, he was not a crazy suitor as they said.

Lin Fan nodded faintly: "Hehe, long time no see, you are still so beautiful."

"Oh, it seems that after so many years, we, Director Lin, still have no feelings for Goddess Ye?"

"Hahaha, this is what a talented girl looks like, a natural pair."

"That is, I think Goddess Ye doesn't have a boyfriend now, so it's better for you two to just live together."

Several people next to him kept booing there.

The sound was not very loud, but it happened to be heard by Wang Shuo who came back from the car.

Suddenly, I saw his face changed.

"Why are you still here, Lin Fan, take us in and take a look at your zoo? I would like to see what the zoo you run is like." Wang Shuo said angrily.

"Okay, everyone is here, then let's go in." Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

Since then, a dozen people, led by Lin Fan, went straight to the zoo.

Although it is already afternoon, there are still a lot of tourists in the garden. There are one or two hundred people coming and going, including one or two tourist groups. The tour guide is holding a small red flag in front of him, using the money accumulated in his stomach. Knowledge, the explanation of the red pandas and Bengal tigers that have been strictly protected has attracted the cheers of many people around.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan's classmates were all dumbfounded.

Of course they have all been to the zoo, except that the zoo in other places.

However, if Lin Fan is so lively here, there are tour guides to explain, it is really rare, except for the few large zoos in China.

In some small local zoos, such treatment would never happen.

However, they discovered that the animals here are very rare, even rare.

"Fuck, even African lions?"

"I'm going to go, panda, it's really a panda? My God, I went to Yuegu Wildlife Park last month, and the pandas there have been transferred away."

"Lin Fan, you guys can do it, tell us, where do these animals come from? Are you well-informed?"

"Hahaha, wouldn't it be stolen in other zoos?"

At this time, Lin Fan raised his hand to make a straight sound.

Soon, a chimpanzee was holding a tray and trot over. There were a few bottles of drinks on the tray.

"Drink some water first, after you finish reading it, let's go to the restaurant for dinner." Lin Fan said with a smile.

"no problem."

Where do they now dare to look down upon Lin Fan?

Being able to open a zoo with such characteristics and popularity is definitely not the waste Lin Fan that they said before, can do it.

What shocked them the most was that the animals here are very precious.

We must know that in today's environment, many wild animals are on the verge of extinction, and the rare protected animals of some institutions are all secretly protected and will not be shown to the public at all.

But Lin Fan could still see it here.

Not to mention anything else, just Lin Fan's method is enough to make many people marvel at it.

Among these people, the most upset in their hearts is probably that Wang Shuo.

He felt like stealing chickens and losing rice. He wanted to bring everyone over to see the excitement of Lin Fan. After all, the bankruptcy of Lin Fan Zoo is no longer a secret.

Using Lin Fan's method, it was impossible to bring the zoo back to life.

However, when they came here, they were all dumbfounded.

Resurrected?What a big change, it's more than just a resurrection that can be described simply?

What angered Wang Shuo the most was that Ye Qi was also eyeing Lin Fan from time to time, with a faint smile on her mouth...

"Listen, someone is singing over there."

"Yeah, I heard it too, it seems pretty good."

"Fuck, Director Lin, you won't be still in the zoo, do you have any concerts? You have enough ideas."

"Go, let's go over and take a look."

A dozen people, following the direction of the singing, went straight to the grove.

At this time, many people were already sparsely surrounded in the small woods.

They all held phones in their hands, shooting and videotaping above their heads.

When they walked over, they saw a strange red and white bird, ignoring everyone's onlookers, completely intoxicated by its own singing.

"I want to tell you loudly, you have been in my world, too many memories, hard to give up and hard to forget, too distressed for you, so I choose not to give up or force, not to cry, it is not beautiful..."

"Okay, sing well, here's a song."

"Pink memories, the first one."

"Sing one, sing one!"

As soon as the singing stopped, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause among the onlookers. After the applause, there was a roaring sound.

Leiyiniao’s biggest hobby is probably singing.

Let it be a song, there is no problem with it at all, and it can be seen to comb the feathers on its body with its sharp beak.

After that, I slowly opened my voice: "Be simple, the way of speaking is simple, please omit the progressive emotions, you are not an actor, don't design those plots... No comments, I just want to watch See how round you are, you are so sad that you are too superficial, like an untalented actor, the audience can see at a glance..."

Listening to Joker Xue’s "Actor", although it was only a cappella without any accompaniment, everyone was shocked.

Especially those tourists who have already sat here, quickly immersed in it, as if there was a bird named Xue Zhiqian singing solo to them at the scene.

"I'll go, this bird is so amazing."

"You can even sing this song? Lin Fan, didn't you teach it?"

"It would be great if I could have such a good singing bird."

"God, it's so amazing, I have to record it and post it on meager, Director Lin, is this an advertisement for you?"

"Lin Fan, how did your kid do it? This zoo is so unique. It has singing birds, orangutans, pandas, Bengal tigers, golden alpacas, and green crocodiles as employees. This is too bad..."

"Lin Dashen, Lin Dashen, take my knees, how about I come to work with you tomorrow?"

"Hahaha, you are everywhere. If you really want to come here to work, it must be me too, right, handsome guy Lin?"

Several classmates were joking and twittering, and it was obvious that they were convinced of Lin Fan now.

He didn't mean to be negligent at all, and even let Wang Shuo cool down.

Seeing such a pleasant scene, with a huge change from what he expected, Wang Shuo's gloomy expression was about to turn black.