That Ordinary Mister is a War God

That Ordinary Mister is a War God

141 Chapters ongoing 6,024 Views
Aino Jin
Word Count
119,000 Words
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Aino Jin ongoing


Bar, an ordinary middle-aged mister* and a veteran adventurer, lived an easy, comforting life in the Imperial Capital. He would carry items for adventuring parties or help the guild’s staff from time to time.

“Mr. Bar, glad to have you today!”

“Thank you for your words.”

That uncle who was liked by everyone in the capital, was actually the strongest arsenal of the Empire–One of the “Laevateinn”–Bartolomeus.

“Please step forward, Lord Bar.”

With a delicate and beautiful elven girl, Welhe Mina, to back him up, his gallant figure racing across the battlefield or the political battleground was simply godly—like a War God.

The heroic tales of the dowdy adventurer AND the mightiest arsenal starts here!


*Mister – In asian countries, middle-aged men are usually called misters by younger people rather than by their names.

*LN changed drastically from the Web Novel, and also has a new heroine.
That Ordinary Mister is a War God


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