The Marvelous Dragon Balls

The Marvelous Dragon Balls

380 Chapters ongoing 17,498 Views
Word Count
459,000 Words
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A teenager finds himself in the Marvel World with the Dragon Balls, and has to find a way to survive!

Shenron: “Say your wish! Any wish can be granted, but you only get one…”

Teenager: “Any wish could be granted?”

Shenron: “Of course!”


Teenager: “Shenron, please get me out of the Marvel World; return me to my original world!”

Shenron: “I’m sorry, I can’t do that…”


Teenager: “What? What were you bragging about then, saying you can grant any wish?”

Shenron: “Your body is from this world, therefore….”


Teenager: “Okay, then give me the power of a Super Saiyan! I want be able to beat Thor and Hulk, surpass Captain America and Iron Man!”

Shenron: “I’m sorry, I can’t do that…”

Teenager: “Worthless dragon! What can you do?”

Shenron: “I can…”
The Marvelous Dragon Balls


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