The village wife is so beautiful

The village wife is so beautiful

529 Chapters ongoing 17,110 Views
The wind is first
Word Count
618,000 Words
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1 Votes
The wind is first ongoing


After her parents passed away, Shishi lived with her aunt Fang Guizhi, who was the child's daughter-in-law of the lame uncle, who was as old as a stone, and his intrusion made her calm heart surge. In the poor days, the men in Furong Bay turned their eyes to Fang Guizhi. Fang Guizhi knew that as long as he let go of his defense, everything would change, but the stone stared at her like an angry wolf... for the sake of the beautiful little aunt. Days, Shishi started his life in the village, and all kinds of handsome daughter-in-laws from the countryside entered his life...
The village wife is so beautiful

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