The World Gamer

The World Gamer

214 Chapters completed 5,091 Views
Word Count
313,000 Words
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Primus completed


A young man who keeps muttering alone. Then, suddenly, the noise began to ring. -I think I've already found this anomaly. Anyway, it's fast in a strange place. But still, as expected. It's already late. The noise is getting louder and the ground starts to shake little by little. -100% upload complete. Then let's have a good game. Gemsin Kim Woo-joo. The best friend of my life, with the words the young man disappeared. Then the noise disappeared and the shaking of the ground disappeared. Daybreak. The news that a weak earthquake of magnitude 2 occurred in Seoul, the capital of Seoul, occupied TV and the Internet, which was thought to be very far from the earthquake.
The World Gamer


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