The World Gamer

13. Infinite Possibility

“You don't have a network, do you? ”

“Very old tank. Something made of steel that moves with an engine. And cannon fodder. That's it.”

“Not enough. ”

“Engine development is our top priority. ”

So, it's just a car that's a little hard and fires cannons...

“How long will it take to build a tank like the one used in the 21st century? ”

“I can't be sure of that either. But no matter how fast the Earth takes, it will take six months. If you just focus on making that tank. ”

“I guess what they call a battleship is just an iron ship with a 360-degree cannon. ”

“I see.”

“Well... but where am I?" Please develop slowly in many fields in the future. And the first thing we need to do is weapons. ”

“I know. It's just that a lot of modern weapons are involved, so it might take some time. ”

“I can't help it. Once we've completed the most urgent engine, we can take it slow from here. ”

Rowing boats. And a ship that moves with the power of the wind. I can't use these things because they're frustrating. So I made the engine top priority.

As a result, even though it is very dirty, it is possible to make a non-exhaustive tank, and now a real train is being made. It can also operate the factory more effectively.

Power is a fundamental part of the machine. A machine without power is meaningless, no matter how cool and good performance is.

In that sense, we have power. Now all you have to do is create an exterior to match this power. This won't take long.

In 20 days, the geniuses who make these crazy engines will be able to make tanks in our country in six months.

“Then I'll go. Keep up the good work.”

“Don't worry.”

As I greeted three species, I turned off Avatar Mode and looked at the buildings currently constructed. The place I invested the most is the school.

Education is fundamental. I built a second, medium, high, and university and continued to increase the number. For now, seconds, medium, and high 50,000. And 5,000 universities were now built in my country.

He also prevented being called a dog or a Sona student by making it difficult to get into college and raising real elites. And they've grown tremendously, and now they're the foundation of my country.

The next is science. It's a technology lab, where you create a technology lab in each field, and you put a whole bunch of talent into it, and among the names that talent seeks and Sejong seeks, there's a whole bunch of talent in science.

Of course, there are no wizards left here. You can only build one Horse Tower, but you can't only build one branch of that Horse Tower. We've been recruiting wizards all over the country, and it's amazing what wizards and scientists can do together.

Just look at the engines that are complete right now. They're 100% flawless. It is not polluted at all despite the use of petroleum. Moreover, even efficiency is superior to the engines on Earth.

If I had made this on Earth, I would have wiped out all the money in the world by now. It's an innovation in mechanical engineering, an engine that ignores the fundamental laws of physics. And this is possible because it's magic.

What I'm forcing Merlin to do. That is, there is no limit to magic. I may be presumptuous, but I am the king.

Merlin, of course, agreed with me on several attempts, and the result is this engine. And this is just the beginning. Everything that crosses the limits of modern science will be done in this world.

“Then I won't want to leave this world.”

I'm worried that it will be true. At that time, let's think about it and go around a little more. It has been developing in a state of total freedom since the trust had not come down since it was beyond the limits of the game.

You have met another civilization.


The notification on the sea side caught me moving my vision there, where my fishing boat came into view of the fishing boat.


The auspicious ascension that hangs from the mast. I can see that. That's him. That's the crazy man's ship that pulled Aggro out of the world.

“No battleships have been built yet...”

Of course, this is the armor. A wooden battleship. It's only a problem if you say that there are not many numbers.

“Only heroes and wizards will be sent. ”

The level of heroes has risen to the ever-ongoing subjugation of dungeons. Items are adjusting well. I don't know what kind of hero he has, but I don't think my heroes will lose at all.

“And if it's a battle at sea, ”

Sunshin Lee, I had a great sex with me. Of course, just fighting can be disadvantageous. because modern tactics have really developed a lot.

But what if Lee Sun-Shin had studied modern tactics? It's a good story to tell. I will continue to write the myth of invincibility.

The heroes and names under my command spent 20 days on Earth studying a lot. Modern knowledge was sacred to them. And I thought I should teach them more than anything.

In the beginning, the Office of Eternity or Sejong briefly showed me what happens when geniuses gain modern knowledge. When I had a chance, I told them to summon my heroes and names to study on Earth.

Lee Sun-Shin is one of them. He studied modern strategies, tactics. Not only that. I studied all the famous wars in the world. In other words, he knows all the strategies and tactics used in famous wars around the world.

Is that what it's like to give Cheetki to a fraudulent character? A fleet commanded by Lee Sun-Shin just loses to a 21st-century man who is neither extraordinary nor at sea?

There is a 0% chance that even technology is ahead. If it was in the past, it could turn upside down with some strategy and tactics. But not in modern times. The most important thing in modern times is technology.

How good is your weapon? How good are the pieces of equipment? This is the whole of modern warfare. Even with 100 fighters, you can't beat a teenager.

Even with 100 Battleships, you can't beat 10 aircraft carriers. The ideology of the strategy is so firmly positioned that it is impossible to turn it into a strategy tactic. It is impossible because of the distinction in technology.

It is my country that is progressing into such an era. And you can take pride in being at the forefront. In that situation, I'm not afraid that he'll attack. I'm just not ready yet, so I'm worried it will be a good counterattack.

“Should I ask them to build more transport ships than a battleship...”

I went to Yi Sun-Shin because I thought I should ask her directly about this matter.

“What brings you here? Your Majesty.”

“I started moving in Japan. I think they'll attack first, but I need to know what to do about it. ”

“If you destroy the coming tribe, that's it. and prepare for a counterattack. ”

“That's the problem. We haven't built a proper battleship yet. The engines have just been completed. ”

“The battleships you have are certainly not that strong, but they are very good compared to the battleships I fought in my lifetime. We have unlimited weapons and, most of all, unlimited ammunition, so even the worst case scenario is to kill time. ”

“The level of the enemy was roughly 14 to 15 centuries old. They were still using the sails. ”

“At that level, I am confident that I will never do it unless there is a large variable. So you have nothing to worry about. Your Grace, I will never allow one man or woman to set foot on this country's soil. ”

“I believe in that, but what worries me is counter-attacks. It's good that we attack, but the question is, what do we do? ”

“Hmm… You said you would conquer, so you need the Army. ”

“Should we make the transport first? Or should I build a battleship? ”

“... How many soldiers can a transport ship carry? ”

“We don't need to carry supplies, so it's just a full house, about 2,000 people a piece? ”

“Then I think four carriers would be good for six Battleships. We have to take control of the ocean first. ”

“I'll do that. ”

“Yes. Then I'll go enhance my patrol. ”

“If you see any signs of an attack, don't hesitate to attack. ”

“I understand, Your Grace. ”