The World Gamer

20. Rain of Heroes.

The emergence of great people. It was an event that got more and more attention from the Republic of Korea that was still receiving worldwide attention. The dead Great People are coming back to life.

Everyone knows, of course, that this is not normal. But why did they suddenly show up at this hour? There was a lot of talk going on here, and there were reporters who wanted to interview these great people.

But the great men repeatedly appeared and disappeared. One thing they have in common is that they always appear where the monsters appear. It's just a nationwide phenomenon, so it's as random as the monsters.

I think it's a power, too. You could be imitating someone, but now you have the superpowers that you see in movies. Then it's possible to bring the dead back to life.

Well, you might think someone's impersonating you. No matter how powerful it is to save the dead, it's also an old man who can't find the body.

The only thing I can tell you about this case is that your ancestors were no longer able to find it and went out on their own. This is the first step toward a new country.

Articles on the Internet and interviews on TV. Looking at them, Aris found out why Gabriel was so actively recommending alliances.

It is to somehow summon the heroes of the past. I don't know how, but it's their power that matters. Nothing has been demonstrated yet. The monsters were just killed by a lightweight attack.

The appearance of a Hero. Some may call themselves Great People, but others are followed as Heroes. Especially Sung Yi Sun-Shin. Or a little bit interested in the naval war. Or someone who is interested in Korea. Anyone who is interested in world famous battles would never know.

And he said he was the most respected person. I fought for my country. The incompetence fought silently, despite the jealousy of the surrounding guards, despite the king's insolence.

Only for the country and for the people. He never withdrew under any circumstance, but he did a lot of research to win. Their unique strategy tactics. A hero who lacks nothing to call a sex.

“He's going to faint when he sees it. ”

She remembered the man she met in America. There are only six people in the world who can use the power of the world. He's one of them and he's in the United States.

And he's a superhero. Not cartoons or movies. A hero has emerged who has saved the real country from reality. Of course it would be chaotic. Since he is the most respected great person in the world, he has always appeared in private and public places.

“I should have made some kind of ally back then...”

The day we first met. Aris regrets not having an alliance.

* * * * * * *

“It's true...”

A man with black hair. His hair was black, but he was a Western man by all accounts. But the man was strangely dressed. And the guy was staring at the TV.

I had only seen him in my dreams. I thought I was the only one who could know about the Great Person and admire him for life, and I decided to go to the military, and I got into the Navy and got discharged safely.

The Navy gave him a new life, and when he decided to live a lifetime in the Navy, he opened his eyes to that world. Very crude place. And where it's always been.

In that world, he survived by leveraging what he learned in the Navy, making his way with people and building up his power. And he met a hero in that world.

I met great men who founded America. And he thought, I was thinking maybe. If there are great people in America, I wonder if I can go to Korea and meet the hero.

So I studied boats hard in that world. Actively leveraged modern knowledge Utilized abundant resources Still, I couldn't go even if I wanted to go from the United States to Korea.

The biggest problem was the monsters at sea. The monsters never made it across the Pacific. I tried dozens of times, and they all failed because of the sea monsters.

Unfortunately, we are still trying to cross the Pacific. But the reason he has to cross the Pacific is now on Earth. It appeared in reality.

“Lee Sun-Shin from Sung Woong, Korea. ”

He was one of the best naval admirals in the world. He did something so absurd that even though he had clear evidence, he had several battles to decorate a page in the history of the naval war.

He wanted to meet him. Of course, we know that's impossible. Because he's already dead. But I met great Americans in that world and tried to cross the Pacific with the possibility of crossing.

But I failed. Of course I didn't give up. Every time I set sail, I was able to go further. I thought that if I didn't give up and go out, I would meet you someday, but I didn't think I would meet you like this.

Of course, he did not meet them, but watched them unilaterally on TV, but he had already ignored them. As soon as I saw the TV, I got on a plane to Korea and arrived in Korea. I still haven't met Sunshin in person.

But seeing him on TV so often, he was even more puffed up in his dreams. I wanted to meet. I wanted to meet and talk. That was his lifelong wish.

“Shit. What the hell am I supposed to do?" ”

He sighs as he watches TV. Monsters appear frequently and often appear on TV because they are caught on their cell phones or cameras as they are now. But he wanted to meet in person.

I wanted to talk to him in person. That's what I came here to do. Life's impossible dreams have come true, but I can't back down from here.



When the phone rang, the man picked up the phone and looked at the number on the screen and answered the phone wondering.

“What's going on with you? I think we're in the middle of a game here. ”

He's in Korea, right?

“Of course!”

And Sunshin, I'm going to meet him.

“That's right. No more pills if that's what you're doing. It's already urgent enough. ”

What would you do if you could?

“I'll do anything! ”

The man's words echo through the phone, and the other person smiles.

That's not good.

“No, I mean it. If you want, you can give the world a lot of resources. ”

I don't remember crossing the Pacific yet. The Atlantic is out.

“If you cross. ”

That's ambiguous.

“Then what exactly do you want? ”

I will make it clear that I will meet Lee Sun-Shin. But what you have to do is very simple. You will meet one person. And if you could just meet him and tell him what I said, that would be enough. And I just need to know one thing.

“... tell me. ”

All you have to say is...

And the man who memorized the whole story nodded, saying,

“I memorized it all. So who do I meet now? ”

It's not just Kim, Yooseong Kim. It's the Kim universe, called the world's best gamer.

“Hmm... You mean one of the people Aris is into? ”

Yeah, it's the Kim universe. I'll send you the address where he lives. We'll meet him and talk. Then you're on your own. The only way to meet Lee Sun-Shin is to meet him and tell him the story, and he'll tell you what to do.

“I'll make sure to repay you for this. ”

No, there is no light. Because you do my job. Then let's hang up the phone with this.


The phone is disconnected, and the man wakes up smiling. I ran right out of the hotel room where I was staying, and I got a text on my phone on the way down to the first floor. It was a text with the address of Kim's house.

“Taxi!!! ”

I grabbed a taxi, showed the driver the address that came with a text from my phone, and asked him to go there right away. That way, one person using the power of another cosmic civilization world without even knowing it was coming to him.