This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious
Chapter 171 Cooperation
- Assassination of the mayor!? With us...!!
I'm stunned by Colt's words. Even though I am a goddess, holy goddess is a brave man. However, if you are asked to carry one of the sticks of the assassination, I am troubled by the reply.
"Er... I wonder if the world can change without assassination?
Well then, goddess. How did you do that?
"Hey, hey, what is it, Artema Menas? I think if you work hard to destroy it, you'll be saved!
The magic weapon Altema Menas said that the Devil King Artemios acquired the power of magic and changed. I thought the world would be better if we destroyed it somehow.
"Destroy Artema Menus!? You can't do that!!
Aihi turned his eyes at me like he looked at an idiot. Caron, a technician, shook his head sideways.
"Aihi's right. There is no substance that pierces Artemis' armor. Just sealing it is the best I can do. No, I doubt I can even seal it now."
"Well, what does that mean?
"Four kinds of Artemis are needed to seal the resurrected Artemis. But for the sake of their own country, the mighty are thrilled to seize Artemis. In this situation, we can't put all four types of Altema together."
"But if you leave me alone, the world will perish!" Whatever the reason, we have to gather Artemis in one place!!
When I screamed, I fixed Colt's troubled smile.
"Sure, that makes sense. We can't seal Altema Menas without the cooperation of the whole world. Over the past few decades, however, there have been more than 100,000 casualties as a result of fighting between nations. Nobody's going to cooperate in this situation."
"Humans, right? Can't we talk about this?
"Ahhh!! You're just a kid!? Don't talk about pictures like children!!
Aihi screamed to throw up and show contempt.
--uuu... my child told me to be a child...!!
I was depressed, and Colt smiled bitterly.
"Let the enemy kill our parents, our friends and our children, and now we can get along with each other."
"But... if we stay like this, we'll all perish..."
"Tka, nee-chan! Are you mistaken? Artemis isn't back yet!
The terrorists nodded in Aihi's words. The purple smoke of the cigarette that Karon was smoking was exhaled into the air.
"According to the Imperial Laboratory announcement, it will take five years for Artemis to arrive."
"Mm-hmm!! What was that!?
Artema Menus isn't back yet!? Five years is quite a break!! No, something's embarrassing me!!
"Now you know, hey. Now we have to do something from around us than Artema Menas."
"Countries are going around Altema to start a global war. The Principality of Galvano, which has jurisdiction over this town, is one of those countries. And if a war breaks out, the first casualties are the people of the town."
Colt stroked his sister's head in love as he spoke to inherit Aihi's words.
"It's a town where they gather, but even young children live. I want to protect this town first and foremost."
"That's why you assassinated the mayor? Wait, wait, wait! Shouldn't we do something about the Galvano Principality first?
"Um, hey, hey. There's an order to things."
Again Aihi stared at me. Suddenly, Sacred Ya, who had been silently arming himself until now, opened his mouth.
"The Principality of Galvano is heavily armoured and the people of the town cannot enter the country easily. And the mayor of this town is connected to the Principality. So first I want to kill the mayor, take control of the town, and use it as a breakthrough for the overthrow of the Principality - that's what it is."
Colt smiled and Aichi whistled small.
Yeah, it's a quick story.
"Did I say 'holy'? You're definitely smarter than that goddess."
Ugh!? Aihi-chan's assessment of the Holy Spirit is up in inverse proportion to mine!!
"As the Goddess says, I don't think it's good to hear about assassinations. And the world calls us terrorists. But if killing just a few people saves tens of thousands of lives, I believe it's a good thing that's close to a bloodless revolution."
"Well, I have no objection."
Holy shit, I don't disagree!? Hmm, I wonder if it's okay to be brave like that...?
Well then, bless you. Will you help us in our endeavors?
Colt was sending his hopeful eyes to the Holy Spirit. Colt's companions also stared at the sacred goddess who was bracing. After a while,
"I want to think about it a little."
That's what the Holy Spirit told everyone. Aichi dropped his shoulders and revealed his frustration.
"What the fuck! I thought you were motivated because you didn't object!
"Blessed be you. How long will it take you to come to a conclusion? I'd like to start action in two days, if possible...."
"Hmm. I can't help it. Then we'll decide by tomorrow."
I see. That's helpful. I look forward to a good response. "
"I wonder, Holy Ghost... why are you so great..."
Aihi pointed the top of the Buddha towards the sacred, but Colt smiled softly as usual.
"It's too late today. It's small, but there's plenty of room for the fish to sleep."
Colt offered us a place to stay, but Saint Ya shook his head.
"Ah, blessed. You're going back to the Underworld?
"Oops!! I can finally go back to the underworld!!
All of a sudden, Celsus shouted with joy, so I trembled. Oh, there you are, Celseus! It really looks like a figurine if you don't talk, it's lead!
But the idea of divinity was unexpected to me and to Celsus.
"I'm not going back to the underworld. First of all, we'll make sure we have a safe place to live in this twisted Ixforia."
"Eh, is that so!?
"Or aren't you going home!? Didn't Saya-san tell you that the Underworld is safer!?
At that time. But the situation is changing gradually. A place that was once safe isn't always safe. "
"So, that means the underworld is getting dangerous!?
Cerseus and I waited breathlessly for the word of God.
"... I don't know"
"!! What do you mean I don't know!?
Though I have tried, I also feel vague anxiety about the anomalies that are happening in the underworld. Only this time, I couldn't smile because I cared too much about Sacred Ya.
"Hmm. Then why don't you let me stay here?
"No way. It's crazy to sleep in the same room as the guys I just met. I don't know what's gonna happen."
"Nah, nah, what the hell!! I hate sleeping in the same room as you!!
It seems that our story was heard, and Aihi raised his voice. Blessed be He that approaches Aichi.
"Hey, Aihi. You built this hidden room, didn't you?
"Ah. Did you know that the magic of the earth, which is characteristic of the clay, is matched with the latest magic tools...?
"You used to build settlements underground with earth magic."
What are you talking about?
"Anyway, I want to create a hidden room next to this hidden room where we live."
"Yeah!! Holy cow, do you want to build another room next to the hidden room!?
"That's right. Aihi, can you make it?
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! All right, I'll make it!!
While scratching his short hair, Aichi stood up and grabbed an iron tool box on the floor. Then head straight to the front door. Blessed be He who followed Aihi.
"How do you do that? I can use earth magic, too. Tell me how to do it."
"Ahh!? Can you do it all of a sudden, amateur!!
"If you don't try, you won't know."
"Don't lick the craftsman, fool!!
"Stupid is more stupid. I mean, you're an idiot."
He left the room arguing with a girl as tall as his waist.
"... oh, my God."
Looking back, Colt still smiles nicely.
"Um... I'm sorry about something. You recommended a place to stay. But there is no offense from Sacred Ya either. Is it abnormally hygienic, is it unusually cautious, or is it simply abnormally abnormal..."
"Ahahah. But he'll be able to count on you."
Exactly then, I heard Aihi's astonishing voice from the front door.
"What, you!! How can you do this all of a sudden!? It's so fast to remember!! It's bigger than our room!! What's going on!?
He studied fast as usual. From the flow of the story, it seems that Saint Ya has already created a hidden room, so I gently interpreted Colt and then pushed the cargo platform on Celseus.
"... so you're going to cooperate?
In a murderous room surrounded by white walls, I visit the Holy Spirit. There is me, Holy Ghost, and Cerseus in a newly built hidden room near invisible room 666 where Colt and the others live. For once, the ceiling was fitted with simple lighting, and thanks to that light, the sacred side of the face was clearly visible. By the way, the Holy Spirit has not yet unlocked the Innocent King's Standing, so Celseus is lead-colored, whether the light hits or not.
"Colt is a twisted Ixforia, so he's decent. That's for sure."
"You're a decent terrorist. Can assassinations and revolutions be carried out in such a small number of people?
"The larger the number, the better. The higher the number, the higher the percentage of traitors and informants. A small elite is desirable for covert operations."
Blessed be He who hath said as if he were covering Colt. Normally, they say, "That's right! Even though it could be easily broken, I wondered if Celseus was anxious this time or if he was eating.
"Tsukaka-san! Maybe they're just trying to use us for their own terrorism.
"Our goal is to restore the twisted world. It doesn't matter what Colt and the others are looking for, if that's what they can use it for."
"Holy cow, what's the use?
"Lista, they laughed at you earlier when you said you were going to destroy Artemis, who hasn't been resurrected yet?
"Well, don't say that anymore!! It's embarrassing!!
"Hmph, it's not a bad eye. Our ultimate goal this time is to destroy Artemis."
"Based on Enzo's information, I've also checked with Hades. The distortion of the twisted Ixforia was caused by Artemius, the demon king, who changed and became the magic weapon, Artema Menus."
"Hooray!! I knew it!! I thought so!!
"Colt and the others said Artemis could not be destroyed. But if I can get the four types of Altema that I use to seal them, they can destroy them."
"Well, that's what the Dark Lord said, right?
"Hmm. I'm not going to swallow everything they say."
After saying so, God sharpened his eyes sharply.
"Briefly describe my plan at the moment." I will have all four types of artema possessed by the great powers of Torso Ixforia in my hands "- that's all."
"Hmm, I think I said something incredible...!! The nations are fighting to wash their blood for Artemis!?
"I don't know. It's all mine."
"!? General Kid?!! But, well... I guess I have to...? To undo a distorted ixforia....."
I don't even feel like I'm talking nonsense, but if I don't, I can't help it if I don't return to this twisted world.
--Besides, if Sacred Ya gets it, maybe there will be no more fighting... No, I don't think so. This is a hopeful observation...
"Whatever you do, building a base is a prerequisite. So, at first, I was thinking of taking over this town. But if Colt and the others are trying to assassinate the mayor and take power, that's fine. We are not aiming for each other, but the assassination of the mayor and the overthrow of the Galvano Principality are good for us."
Well then, bless you. You're gonna help Colt and the others, right?
"In the meantime, I don't know. But I don't want to get too involved with them."
"Heh? Why? Because you're a terrorist after all?
After exhaling his breath, Saint Ya gently shook his head to the side.
"Lista, when you returned to Ixforia, you forgot what happened to Colt."
Yes. Colt was murdered by Demon King Artemius in Ixforia in the past. Restoring the twisted world, which is our goal, means returning to a world without Colt... I was upset when I was told the obvious.
I see. That's why Sacred Ya didn't tell me to cooperate immediately...?
"I'm good. You're the one I'm worried about. There's a danger of feeling emotional if we go deeper together."
"I see... um, yeah... okay, got it..."
There is no arrangement at all. But in front of the Holy Spirit, I said so for now.
--Does that mean you're taking Colt from Aichi...? No, you can't! If you come up with this, you're going deep!
Shake your head. I didn't want to say anything, but my chest was full of feelings. Blessed is the wrinkle between his eyebrows.
In a harsh atmosphere, a lead-coloured god offers.
"Ah, um, Saint Ya-san... it's about time you disarmed Nino...?
When the Holy Spirit snapped his fingers silently, Celsus returned to his usual appearance.
"Gotcha!! Thank you!!
"... anyway, even with me, I want to work out a little more ideas. Let's get some rest today."
Selseus smiled, but when he left a little bit to take a luggage bag containing blankets and so on,
"Shit! Shit...!
I groaned hatefully. As soon as she turned around, Sacred Ya looked back at us.
"Hey, Celseus. What happened to the shit?
"Eh!? I wonder if this room has a toilet or something!! Ahahahaha!!"
"I didn't have to tell you. Of course I'll make it."
Seeing Sacred Ya take a tool box to the corner of the room, Celsus gadgeted while wiping his cold sweat.
"Alright! I'm Nice Maneuver!
"... hah. You're always at ease."
Looking at the long Celseus, I was weak.
The next morning.
We went to Colt's room. The Holy Spirit is poking his hand against the wall and doing something. I assume you asked Aihi how to do it yesterday. Eventually, the walls moved and the hidden doors appeared.
As they entered the room, all the members were awake and stared at us with a serious face.
"... blessed be you. Would you listen to me for a second before you answer?
Colt was sitting on a chair at the table. Tea aromas and hot air stand from the tea cup. After a sip in the cup, Colt spoke.
"I want to save the city, I want to change the world, that's the truth. But I forgot to say another important thing."
"What's important?
"'I have to do it, I have to do it, I can't keep myself.' I have such an impatience in my heart all the time. I may want to change the world to keep myself sane in this distorted world."
The word "distorted world" comes out of Colt's mouth, and I feel like it.
"I don't really know myself. But sometimes I think about it. It's like I was somewhere once... and someday I left it somewhere..."
"To, brother?
Aihi, Karon, and the priest stared at Colt strangely. But... I understand what Colt is saying. Perhaps Colt's soul is aware of it. This Ixforia is not the Ixforia it should be.
"I don't care if the world calls me a terrorist. I want it back. The world order and the true self."
"... even if you disappear as a result?
"Let me, holy yay!?
I shout at sudden sacred dialogues. When he realized it, the Holy Spirit turned his harsh eyes towards Colt. Colt also tightens his usual soft face and asks Holy Ghost.
"That means you're gonna die, right?
Sacred Ya said nothing. Colt pretends to think a little before placing his hand on Aichi's little head.
"Even if I die, I wish this world would be right. The world where Aihi can live happily - if it can be the foundation, that's fine."
"Ah, I won't let you die!! Definitely!!
Colt and the others, looking at my siblings, I felt like I was about to cry. In this world distorted by the power of brutality, brothers and sisters still thought of each other.
Well then, I'll ask you again. Blessed be you. Will you help us in our endeavors?
"Very well. I'll help you."
"No, why are you so great...?!
Aihi sharpened his lips, but the priest, Karon, and Colt smiled relieved.
Nice to meet you!
Because God did not grip the hand that Colt offered me, I forced him to grasp the hand of God. After forcing him to shake his hand, he whispers to the Holy Spirit.
"Blessed be He! For now, there's no hard talk! We've got company, so let's be happy!
And I look at my new companions, Aihi. Aihi and Karon seem to be happy too.
"All right!! Then let's all join forces and kill the Mayor!!
"That's right!! Then let's blow up the Principality of Galvano!!
Yeah, yeah, I knew my buddies would be good... you know...? Is this really good...?
All of a sudden, Aihi slaps me in the ass.
"Nice to meet you! That makes you the same terrorists!
"Terrorist... I knew it..."
"Hahaha! We're goddess sanctioned organizations! I don't feel like I'm going to hell to kill any of them!
Karon gladly flickers his cigarettes. The excited priest took my hand with tears.
"Ah... I didn't expect you to join my terrorist organization...!!
And the priest joined hands and worshipped me.
"Thank you so much!! Terrorist!!
"!!! Terrorist!? Don't match your name!?
Isn't that right, Goddess of Terror?
"Well then, I'm not completely evil anymore!! Aihi!! I am the goddess of healing!!
A strange Ada was named, but this made us act together with Colt in the sun.