This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious

This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious

172 Chapters ongoing 16,548 Views
Light Tuchihi
Word Count
429,000 Words
Vote Count
2 Votes
Light Tuchihi ongoing


Lista, a Goddess from the God’s realm, has a huge task to accomplish. She must save the world Geabrande (with a S-rank difficulty salvation) from evil threats. To perform this task, she summons a hero from Planet Earth called Ryuguuin Seiya. This hero is exceptional and fully capable, but has one major problem: he is unbelievably cautious.
This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious


this hero is invincible but too cautious novel full read novel this hero is invincible but too cautious novel this hero is invincible but too cautious this hero is invincible but too cautious full this hero is invincible but too cautious chapter 1 novel drama this hero is invincible but too cautious this-hero-is-invincible-but-too-cautious this hero is invincible but too cautious chapter 172