This king is ridiculous

This prince is very absurd. 261

Guo Haiyang listened, his heart! You have a bastard! Over! Not too too much, is it good? Still getting the people of the flower to give! What should I do if I got a flower sugar? I give yourself!

I have long been such a handsome, such a good look, the Huade Kui looks like I Guo Haiyang is also reasonable!

It seems that it is impossible to save a lot of money. Guo Haiyang thought about it, he is inevitably sigh.

Hua Kui is very good, she only feels vomiting! I really want to spit!

The reason why Hua Kui will have this performance, that is because of the flower Kui knows Guo Haiyang's identity - disgusting ridiculous prince! You are clear so much money, but it is still a hair! Even this money is not gone! Are you too much?

Don't you know what is called pity? Flowers for beauty, it is a matter of the meaning of the sky!

The flower sugar is very helpless. She can only be in the heart, she can't behave.

Guo Haiyang still has self-knowledge, he touched the chin, said: "What is going on? I always feel like there is a person who is staring at me! It seems to have a despised look at me!"

Which? Guo Haiyang is surrounded by, which is! It can only be said that Guo Haiyang's premonition is too strong!

Because the person who despise Guo Haiyang is the flower of the stage.

Guo Haiyang sat down, he was self-satisfied: "I am fighting with Xiaoye? I still want me to save! How can this possible! Haha! Even if someone looks at me, I know my details, I still don't give money! ! "

Huang Jiayu is here to say: "Wang Ye! Might! Yes! It is not given!" Wang Ye is amazing! "

Guo Haiyang sighed and said: "Home, you are a person who follows me, it should be the most understanding of me! You don't see my generosity to save the people! If this is the case, my current money is still at least Take a few times more! "

Huang Jiayu, even said: "Yes! Wang Ye's heart has people, so your money is spent on the people! But you are too small for yourself! Hey! You are really unselfish, really blind, love people! Next, who can do like Wang Ye? You are the savior of the people! "

Guo Haiyang listened, very happy, he patted his legs, said: "So, I am not a small gas! Because I am too hurting those poor people! I would rather give money to the poor people don't give these rich old people. Or businessman! Because they are not like the people, they need to send the charcoal in the snow. Hey! This king's heart is good, how many people can know, how many people can you know? "

Got! It is also a self-blown self-blowing! It can be refuted in this way.

The yellow family is of course changing his head and praises Guo Haiyang.

At this time, people on the stage also know, want to let Guo Haiyang pay money, this is a difficult task! What else can you? They thought that Guo Haiyang did not have money, but they were cheated. Everyone in the field did not necessarily be rich enough Guo Haiyang.

"Dear! Invisive moments are coming!" This is called a sputum! Yes it is! Beauty is going to show her true face!

Guo Haiyang is also watching, no, no money, this is called don't look at it!

This king is very absurd

Chapter 608 pair

greatly awaited! I want to see the beautiful look of the flower! Under the way of money, everyone's desire can be achieved!

Exposure! Hua Kui is removed from his own veil! How is a US law? This is what everyone wants to see!

nice! It's really beautiful! Everyone is shocked! I can't say anything!

It is the lack of the Tianxian-like beauty, and Guo Haiyang glanced. He only felt that it was seen, but it would really be unpredictable.

Maybe it is a hurry, isn't it deep? Otherwise, how can I not think about it?

But when I saw the beauty of the beauty, Guo Haiyang had to admit that it is really beautiful, very beautiful! Such a woman said that Tianxian is completely said! I believe there will be a lot of men who are crazy.

When Guo Haiyang thought, Hua Kui actually went up the veil! I can't wear this. People can't see this day!

Yes it is! It was originally a stunning beauty, but now? So soon, cover it, so helpless! Really too helpless! People still want to see it again!

So some people are very dissatisfied: "What is going on? Why do you wear a yarn? Why?"

A stone aroused a thousand waves! People are angry! It's all in the old, how can you do this? Why do you want to wear a veil? Do you want to let Hua Kui choose the guest? This is equivalent to the price of Huade, and wear it back to the veil. How can people go crazy?

Old, I have a countermeasure, this is not, the old man said: "Everyone is not happy! Dear brother, look good, such Tianxian wants to see you, okay? Or let all people look good? So, this entry is even more different! Do you say right? "

The subtext is to motivate people to strive to be a guest, so, for the guest, it is much more money!

It's just that the old man is very dissatisfied to Guo Haiyang this side, what is going on? Why do you have any money?

How is old? Guo Haiyang, Guo Haiyang is not moving, because Guo Haiyang is not pulling!

no solution anymore! Old, I have to say: "Everyone! My lady is a five-car! Since I have the ability, can people who have to pay again there is no ability? It must be the world's hero! Such a big hero is in the son in!"

It can be said that this helper is so comfortable, this arrogant is good, it is very good!

The sons are all in nod, and I don't want to lose, I must take the beauty! Paying more costs, don't hesitate!

The old man saw the fire, she said: "So there will be three problems, only the answer is the same! Nature, two questions will be very difficult! But I think everyone is Those who have the ability must have been there! "

These so-called elegant things, people have already thought of it! Ok! Since it is coming, then come! They are not afraid!

I saw that the red cloth is going downstairs. "One machine two three clips, four feet five long."

When you look at it, you will understand, this is a number pair! Must be pair in numbers! Although it is seen, it is necessary to play up, still some difficulty.

Guo Haiyang is still nothing, what is the flower, he doesn't care, he is a hull downstairs, as long as you catch these horses, if you can ask Guo Haiyang's answer, it is good.

People are thinking, and some are in right, but they are not right.

Just then, the old man said: "If anyone can be the first one, then these fifty two will return him! Which benger can be the first?"

Got! A money, is this not to make Guo Haiyang? This is not, Guo Haiyang who originally wants to set out things will: "This is true? Can you have money?"

Look at Guo Haiyang's eyesight's appearance, knowing how excited he is.

Old, I replied: "Of course it is true! There is no false! These fifty two are best!"

Guo Haiyang immediately came out, no way! He has cheating tools, what difficulties, as long as you ask, Guo Haiyang will answer immediately.

"Six or seven money eight points gold, ten purple nine red." Guo Haiyang is out of mouth, Tudon, people are finely taste the couplets of Guo Haiyang, and they are all sighed.

Guo Haiyang did not envy as others. He could get the appreciation of Huachi. On the contrary, Guo Haiyang asked in a smile: "Old ! You don't say it? The first one is coming out, give money! Money! 50 Two! "

Got! Let's see it, shake your head! This is a cultural thing, how can you be so greedy?

Some people sigh, said: "Hey! If I got the appreciation of the beautiful people, I am happy too! What is the 50 or two of the district? This person is like there is no money! Too too much! Sharpened! "

Others are also interface: "Isn't it? It's too shameless! I would rather double the money to be a smile!"

Everyone has reached an agreement, this person has no threat! So open, I want to pay, so good people will not like him.

Guo Haiyang is ignored them. You are going to pursue your beauty, I will pursue money, and if you have to be a good thing, Guo Haiyang feels completely good! So, don't worry.

Guo Haiyang is still low-key, this is not, he holds boxes: "Contracting! Under the contract! Although there is a thousand words, there is no one in the chest!" This Gong Wei in Guo Haiyang will make people are joyful. No one says he again. What is the matter of a greedy person?

People are constantly meditation, they are obviously not to show weak, after all, as long as they are right, even if they are poor than Guo Haiyang, it can be considered qualified.

In this moment, nine people also guess it. It can be said that their name is also written on the lanterns, then rose up, accept the congratulations of the whole people. Of course, this does not show that you can hold the beauty.

But it is also good to pull the head. The nine pairs of the nine pairs of the meaning of the meaning are self-sounding, a stereotype coupon, and the beauty is fine.

The lost person can only shake his head, at the same time, I can't get it, I hope that others can't get it, but I will not have a right, or next, they can defeat.

This king is very absurd

Chapter 609 Hu Lan Province

Old fierce is said: "There is also a couplet! This one is willing to be a little better than you! This will get a cup of wine! And you will rise to the lantern, let everyone, including behind People who come to me, I know that there is such a big talents to pull out! "

The old talk is that it is extremely inciting: "As a winner will have a bigger grasp the beauty! Wen Xiang Yu is in the arms, only unspeakable!"

The old man can make the people present all the emotions, they looked through the sound, rub the palm of the palm, and the appearance of a hurry.

The old man is shouting: "Do you have a good look!"

As for Guo Haiyang, it is an exception. He has been thawing Erlang legs, what kind of beauty wine, he doesn't care at all! What is it?

I saw that the above is the couplet: "Tianzuo reed is a felt, the sun and the moon are sleeping with me."

When people look, they are in meditation.

Some memories are angry, you are right, it is very boring.

So there is a person who can't help it. He "", taking it on the desktop, drinking: "What is the couple!" This uncle is one! It is also a beautiful woman. I am sleeping! "

Got! As soon as I listen to such a boss, I understand that he is deliberately finding the type. What is the shit?

This is not, one is a sleeve! I am very dissatisfied! More people are directly angry: "You wait for the hill! Not a thing of the elegance, you don't lose everyone's Yaxing!"

Yes it is! Summer literati and Dynasty literati are very no big! The literati of the Australia is now very warm.

Can Summer? Summer literati is very temperate, if there is anything that is not pleasing, it will still be big!

This is not, when the hull is very angry, one pulls the sleeves, said: "Hey! I am thinking so! You dare to say that you are not! Just, you dare not dare to do it! A sound! All useless waste! "

This is that some son's brothers are very dissatisfied! How can people say that is a waste? Of course, you have to fight!

Also said that the literati of Xia Guard inherited the Chinese in the past, the dynasty of the dynasty would like to be praised, all can play.

It's a good thing to see the beauty, can you now? Get up! Also don't be saved!

It's completely chaotic! It's so chaotic! You come to me!

Old scorpion can only say: "Don't hit! Don't hit the buddy!"

Guo Haiyang glanced, he did not think of the Houshui, but think about it, can these Xiongnong people can't make the scene? What can't make the scene become a cleaner?

Originally, the Huxan people did things from sex, they were not afraid of the Lords that were not afraid.

Guo Haiyang sighed, these hulls became the audio! It was surrounded quickly.

Guo Haiyang understands that if you want to catch these horses, it is not an easy task!

Guo Haiyang's fists have been dead, very angry! What do these people play? Destroying Guo Haiyang's plan.