Unconventional screenwriter

Chapter 27: Full of Dangdang, Very Safe

As if he couldn't feel the burning eyes of the people around him, Cheng Ze still looked calm and calm, but he stepped farther and higher subconsciously, holding back the soreness of the thighs and calf muscles.

I walked to the designated exam classroom with difficulty and opened the door. At this moment, the classroom was already filled with more than half of the candidates, but many people seemed very excited.

Cheng Ze looked at the young female examiner who came by, blinked in surprise, smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

Park Hyomin took the metal detector in his hand and vaguely looked at the man in front of him.

Very tall, handsome, very young, and good-natured.

The other candidates looked at Cheng Ze who came in with different expressions.

So handsome, from the acting department?

While holding the instrument to draw a few times on the man, Park Hyomin said, "It's okay. Don't bring some irrelevant supplies such as mobile phones. Paper and pens will be distributed when school comes. Just take a bottle of water and go down. Remember to tear off the plastic paper too."

Sungkyunkwan University has a custom that some well-known students are allowed to invigilate the exams, of course, they are only the assistant invigilators. This custom attracts many high-quality candidates to their schools every year.

This time it was Xiaomin's turn to accompany a teacher from their department to invigorate the exam. Xiaomin personally was very interested in this kind of thing.

Behind her hand, her face was solemn, and she walked around without rushing, her hard leather shoes made a daunting clatter, her sharp eyes looked around, watching those candidates who had or wanted to make small movements. .

Isn't it interesting?

Cheng Ze nodded.

The male invigilator on the other side helped his glasses and looked at Cheng Ze's admission ticket in an incredible way.

Applicant: Jin Chengze.

Application Major: Department of Choreography.

Did you report the wrong department? Will there be another student from another department who will debut as an actor after Song Zhongji?

The male invigilator shook his head and smiled.

After the examination, Cheng Ze nodded slightly at Park Hyomin and the male invigilator, and walked slowly to his seat.

This scene falls into the eyes of some people just knowing that you are from the acting department and you don't need to pretend to be cool at this moment.

And some people really look like handsome guys, walking in such a nice posture.

Walking to the corner of the last row, Cheng Ze nodded politely to a female student beside him, with a faint smile on his face.

Jin Zhiyuan politely returned a friendly smile.


"Now I'm handing out test papers, no more talking."

After receiving the test paper from Park Hyomin, Cheng Ze thanked him and quickly filled in his test number and name and other important information on the answer sheet.

Jin Zhiyuan glanced curiously at this man who didn't seem to have any reaction to the popular idol like Park Hyomin, shook his head slightly, and then concentrated on filling in the information.

The exam bell rang, and there was an instant sound of scrolling in the classroom.

Open the cap, the tip of the pen is placed on the paper, and the wrist is lightly moved to rub the tightly formed characters on the paper.

As if he could not feel any movement, Cheng Ze concentrated on the subject, his expression was very casual and relaxed.


"There is still an hour and a half before the end of the exam." The male invigilator reminded him by checking his watch.

Park Hyomin sat on a chair in front of the lecture table, playing with the pen on the table boringly, and the examination did not seem to be as fun as she thought.

Because no one has small movements.

Also cannot walk around, because walking around will make too much noise.

It is also not possible to stand behind the candidates and watch them answer the questions, because the candidates meet with red ears and write typos.

Seeing the handsome classmate who raised his hand, Hyo Min walked over quickly, with a small excited expression on his face, but suddenly hesitated.

Does this handsome guy want to pee?

Shouldn't she be guarding at the toilet door?!

Thinking of this, Hyomin blinked anxiously.

"What's the matter, classmate?"

Hearing the faint anxiety and tension in the tone of the Mingyan woman in front of him, Cheng Ze was a little confused, but he still said his purpose in a pleasant manner.

"Teacher, I have to hand in the paper now."

Jin Zhiyuan wrote a half of the pen and took a three-hour test. If the male student next to him is going to hand in the paper now, it will be either very good or very poor.

However, people who are too good generally do not get good results.

Park Hyomin blinked, his mouth was slightly angry, and a lovely dazed expression appeared on his face.

"Teacher." Cheng Ze reminded.

Out of good intentions, Park Hyomin eased his tone.

"No matter how hard you write, you can hand it in. This test is a little harder, but it's very important. You can't just give up. You can write again."

At this time, the male proctor also came over, and Park Hyomin couldn't help winking at Cheng Ze when he heard the footsteps.

The rich and vivid facial expressions of the beautiful woman in front of him were very interesting. Cheng Ze covered his mouth and smiled, then turned to look at the male teacher on the other side.

"Teacher, I have finished writing. Can I hand in the paper now?"

The male invigilator was a little surprised, but didn't take it seriously. He nodded and put away the test papers and answer sheets on the desk of Cheng Ze.

It's a foregone conclusion.

Xiaomin couldn't help but puffed up her small face, the flesh of the two puffed cheeks was as white and soft as two small buns.

Cheng Ze took a glance, then immediately looked away.

Realizing that the occasion was not right, Hyomin immediately returned to the "usual" calm and elegant appearance.

Looking at the unresponsive classroom, Xiao Min was fortunate to herself, and a sly smile like a fox appeared on her lips.

"Thank you, teacher."

After bowing slightly towards Park Hyomin and the male invigilator, Cheng Ze leisurely walked out of the classroom.

The other examinees took a look, touched at least half of the test papers they hadn't written, and suddenly felt bad.

——Is this giving up early?

——If such people can come in, Sungkyunkwan University may be a school that can be admitted on the face.

——Why do you have to walk so slowly out of the classroom?

——So handsome.

——Is it learning God?

——Should be a scumbag?

——Forget it, let's write the questions well, it's really difficult.

After taking a few glances, everyone immersed themselves in the topic in front of them, either struggling to write or scratching their heads.

There are mainly two groups of candidates in this examination room, one for the acting department and the other for the editing department.

Jin Zhiyuan bit her pen cap, she just glanced at the test paper of the boy next to her.

how to say?

It's full!

Looks very safe!

The male invigilator flipped through the only test paper below, and his expression slowly changed from casual to serious.

The font is neat and tidy, there are almost no changes between the lines, and all the questions are written.

After reading a few questions, the answers to several questions were written in a meaningful way, and seemed to be correct.