We have a level system in place for mankind.

We have a level system in place for mankind.

Low Fantasy [Fantasy]
163 Chapters ongoing 4,297 Views
Word Count
155,000 Words
Vote Count
0 Votes
月汰元 ongoing


[At the moment, a level system was introduced on this planet] The moment

its voice resonated with the heads of all mankind, the world changed. A monster called

an alien beast appeared, and one who defeated it and level it up, one who acquires an alien called skill. In order to survive in a world where

civilization has collapsed and changed, the protagonist defeats a different beast and acquires powerful skills.

Posts are irregular. (I'm also posting on Kakuyom)
We have a level system in place for mankind.


we have a level system in place for mankind. novel full read novel we have a level system in place for mankind. novel we have a level system in place for mankind. we have a level system in place for mankind. full we have a level system in place for mankind. chapter 1 novel drama we have a level system in place for mankind. we-have-a-level-system-in-place-for-mankind we have a level system in place for mankind. chapter 163