Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

378 Chapters ongoing 6,371 Views
Word Count
778,000 Words
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まきしま鈴木 ongoing


★ A series of comicalizations has begun at Dear Comicfire.

★ Winner of the first HJ Net Novel Grand Prize, 5 volumes on sale. Working as

a social worker, my only pleasure is sleeping. Because in your dreams there is a fantastic world, where you can play as much as you want.

Just a dream. Fun dream.

That's what I thought, but when I was spending time with an elf, I was unluckily burned with a dragon brace with a girl. woke up in an apartment in Tokyo City - where an elf girl slept easily.

And for the first time, I know that dreams are not dreams.

* Enjoy the nostalgia and delicious things in your neighborhood with your elves, while adventuring in the dream world. Daily slow life and flirting is the main thing, but I also fight

* I changed the title from "Elves are supposed to reside in my room"
Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.


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