Wolf Barrel 5.56

2-00 Basic Information

Basic information

Worship/True Enlightenment (Ogami Singo)


Height 170 cm.

Weight 60 kg

Magic Power 28

Belongs to Salla's Adventurer Guild

Settled in the hotel Umbrella

~ Properties ~

2 x Lower Magic Pills (Vials)


Leather Gloves

2 x Magazine Pouch (9mm Magazine)

Jungle Boots

Shoulder bag

~ Spellbook ~

Beretta M92F8 + 1

Raid Carbine M4A15 + 1


· Remarks




~ Title "Lonely Wolf" ~

Improved natural healing power

Magic Resilience Improved

Improved neurotransmission rate

Improved pain tolerance

Improved perceptual abilities

· Remarks


