Yuusha Densetsu no Uragawa de Ore wa Eiyuu Densetsu o Tsukurimasu: Oudou Goroshi no Eiyuutan

Yuusha Densetsu no Uragawa de Ore wa Eiyuu Densetsu o Tsukurimasu: Oudou Goroshi no Eiyuutan

181 Chapters ongoing 26,707 Views
Nakanomura Ayasuke
Word Count
202,000 Words
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Nakanomura Ayasuke ongoing


Yukina was a young man who hailed from the same village as the Yuusha who shouldered the fate of the world. Through a certain incident, he got ahold of the talking spear, Gram. It was a weapon that was on par with the legendary sword the Hero wielded.
Yuusha Densetsu no Uragawa de Ore wa Eiyuu Densetsu o Tsukurimasu: Oudou Goroshi no Eiyuutan


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