I'm the strongest in the world  ~So what if I'm the overpowered?~

I'm the strongest in the world ~So what if I'm the overpowered?~

198 Chapters ongoing 8,142 Views
Word Count
115,000 Words
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浜咲たゆ ongoing


■ Two volumes of the book will be available at HJ Novels in Hobby Japan on April 21, 2018.

"I'll grant you only one wish of any kind," a puppy named God who

suddenly appeared. Word on the main character's boy, Rayphone.

God's Word was just the beginning of one of the stories. The world

in which Rayphone lived was relatively peaceful.

But - the

Demon King is back for the first time in 100 years.

At the same time, brave men are chosen and born with what is said to be God's guidance. Ashley, a

child-friendly girl, is selected as a brave party member and travels

from the city.

Afterwards - Rayphone also decides to travel through the city in the words of God, who has reappeared. What does Rayphone think, feel and think during his

journey... How does Rayphone engage with the Demon King, the Brave, and so on in the world where the Demon King has not been resurrected in

100 years... Don't you even get involved with


* Accumulated 15.18 million PV reached on April 13, 2018! Thank

you, everyone!
I'm the strongest in the world  ~So what if I'm the overpowered?~


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