Spirit Growers Travel Around the World - Get Rare Materials and Spirits Grow Rapidly!? ~

Spirit Growers Travel Around the World - Get Rare Materials and Spirits Grow Rapidly!? ~

340 Chapters ongoing 14,219 Views
Word Count
478,000 Words
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早秋 ongoing


Shigel, who moved to a strange place during his mountain vegetable hunt, meets one female knight and finds out that there is a different world.

Woman - Sigel, who managed to calm down with Philomena's guidance, learns that she has gained strange skills there. It was something that could set up a boxyard world for inviting spirits. Having gained

that ability, Sigel will be determined to make a journey through the world where he is set to live anew with the Spirit.

This is the story of those who were to raise such spirits. We have changed the title with the booking of

01/1/2018. Before

 the change "Spirit Grower's World Trip" After

 the change "Spirit Grower's Cross World Trip Get Rare Materials, Spirit Grows Rapidly All Around!?" Book Released

Spirit Growers Travel Around the World - Get Rare Materials and Spirits Grow Rapidly!? ~


spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ novel full read novel spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ novel spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ full spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ chapter 1 novel drama spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ spirit-growers-travel-around-the-world-get-rare-materials-and-spirits-grow-rapidly spirit growers travel around the world - get rare materials and spirits grow rapidly!? ~ chapter 340