Hachigaya Hachiman of the Department of Politics and Law

Hachigaya Hachiman of the Department of Politics and Law

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"I'm better than Keiya Hachiman! Today I will conquer the sky!"

"I am better than Keiya Hachiman! I just want to tell those people! My lost dignity! I want to regain it!"

Shigeiya Shigehachi patted Biggiya Hachiman on the shoulder

"Calm down. Calm down. One shot of chicken blood is enough. We are alone."

"Life should be more wise and less passionate. Young people should calm down."

"You see, Gao Yuliang is fine. "

[This book is willing to all people living in the mire of unyielding! 】

【Ordinary comprehensive comics, probably... Ordinary people who are struggling. 】
 Hachigaya Hachiman of the Department of Politics and Law


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