Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique]

Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique]

274 Chapters ongoing 12,372 Views
Word Count
490,000 Words
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Gibson ongoing


Earthlings, when you wake up from coldsleep, there is a future galactic empire.

Inside of an isolated spaceship which enigma has seen, the artificial intelligence program called BISHOP was found by the protagonist. With the common sense of the 21st century, a strangely virtuous artificially intelligent robot, a mechanic girl stuck with a gold, a virgin fellow, and a habit of having a habit of earning money, their aim is the hometown far away of the galaxy, the solar system’s third planet, the Earth. Meanwhile, fund a corporation to manage the company we started. The transport company of adult toy’s has made a big war in galatic scale.

From transportation of erot*c videos, mining, production, trade…
Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique]


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