Meet Beast Tamer, the mightiest species of cat ear girl banished from the brave party

Meet Beast Tamer, the mightiest species of cat ear girl banished from the brave party

699 Chapters ongoing 27,592 Views
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595,000 Words
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深山鈴 ongoing


Rain, the beasttimer who serves animals, has fought as a party for the brave. But Rayne, who has no other handle, gradually fails to keep up with the battle. "You're nothing but useless and useless just to use animals. Fired.". Finally, Rayne is banished from the party. From now on, let's live free, regardless of saving the world or anything. Rayne decides to be an adventurer... but that's when he meets destiny. Meanwhile, the party of the brave hadn't noticed. The only reason I've ever been able to fight the Demon King's Army is that it's a lot due to Rain's power. This is the story of a battered BeastTamer spinning a bond with a true companion, fulfilling a fateful encounter.
Meet Beast Tamer, the mightiest species of cat ear girl banished from the brave party


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