Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

370 Chapters completed 9,804 Views
attack of salted duck
Word Count
724,000 Words
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attack of salted duck completed


Han Fei passed through without warning. Before he could completely digest the memory of the original owner, he had to face a lifelong exam-art exam!

So, he snatched the makeup mirror of the female classmate next to him. Well, yes, very handsome, is the art exam still a problem?
Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy


superstar starts from the film and television academy novel full read novel superstar starts from the film and television academy novel superstar starts from the film and television academy superstar starts from the film and television academy full superstar starts from the film and television academy chapter 1 novel drama superstar starts from the film and television academy superstar-starts-from-the-film-and-television-academy superstar starts from the film and television academy chapter 370