The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The dazzling starlight of the halberd

588 Chapters completed 32,285 Views
May Ye Ming
Word Count
968,000 Words
Vote Count
1 Votes
May Ye Ming completed


The talented chef Liu Xingyao, recognized as the number one in the world, traveled to the world of [Spirit of the Halberd Eater] in an accident, and was attached to the 14-year-old boy of Yuanyue, becoming Tian Suohui's classmate.

When faced with the ridicule of others, Liu Xingyao just smiled faintly and silently picked up the Supreme Sword-[Seven Star Sword].

"Soon you will see the breadth and depth of my Chinese cuisine! The taste of heaven, let you immediately appreciate it!"

Here, Liu Xingyao once again shines with dazzling stars! ...
The dazzling starlight of the halberd


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