The Struggles of Being A Mother of Villains

The Struggles of Being A Mother of Villains

123 Chapters ongoing 671 Views
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Word Count
317,000 Words
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Da青蛙 ongoing


After Xiao Yu died, the system said it would give her a second chance at life.

Xiao Yu smiled brightly and accepted the offer. After she transmigrated, she just wanted to point her middle finger at the system.

It didn’t mention that the original host was nearly paralyzed.

It didn’t mention that the original host was a mother.

It didn’t even mention anything about the original host’s child being not only a villain……but the female villain and the male villain being both her children.

Lying on the hospital bed, as she looked at the little boy in front of her, Xiao Yu’s face was plastered with confusion.

The system: How dare I mention this!
The Struggles of Being A Mother of Villains


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